System Advancements



New role property on interfaces (294385)

Interfaces now have a property called ‘role’ which affects visibility and suggests different default options depending on it’s value.

  • WAN – this interface is used to connect to the internet.
  • LAN – this interface is used to connect to local network of endpoints.
  • DMZ – this interface is used to connect to servers.
  • Undefined – This interface has a custom role which isn’t one of the above.


Interface roles affect visibility of properties and features (295736)

Depending on an interfaces role, some properties may set to a default value and the visibility of others may be set to show or hide in the GUI.


Toggle automatic authorization of extension devices (294966)

When an interface is configured to be dedicated to an extension device, a new option appears to auto-authorize extension devices.


Support for new modem added (293598)

Support for the Linktop LW273 modem has been added.

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