Category Archives: FortiAuthenticator

FortiAuthenticator Open Ports

FortiAuthenticator Open Ports

Outgoing Ports


FortiGate RADIUS UDP/1812
FortiGuard AV/IPS Updates TCP/443
Virus Sample TCP/25
SMS, FTM, Licensing, Policy Override Authentication, URL/AS Updates TCP/443
Registration TCP/80

FortiAuthenticator Open Ports

Incoming Ports


Others SSH CLI TCP/22
Telnet TCP/23
SNMP Poll UDP/161
Web Admin TCP/80, TCP/443
RADIUS UDP/1812, UDP/1813
3rd-Party Servers FSSO & Tiers TCP/8002, TCP/8003


FortiAuthenticator Open Ports

Outgoing Ports


3rd-Party Servers SMTP, Alerts, Virus Sample TCP/25
Windows AD TCP/88
Domain Control TCP/445
FSSO & Tiers TCP/8002, TCP/8003


Outgoing Ports


FortiAnalyzer Syslog UDP/514
FortiAuthenticator SSO Mobility Agent, FSSO TCP/8001
FortiGate VPN Settings TCP/8900
Policy Override Authentication TCP/8010
Explicit Proxy TCP/8080
FortiGuard AV Update & Registration TCP/80
URL/AS Rating, DNS, FDN, FortiGuard Queries UDP/53, UDP/8888
FortiManager FortiGuard Queries UDP/53, UDP/8888

FortiAuthenticator For Windows Active Directory Self Service

Using FortiAuthenticator To Perform Account Self Service For AD

I was asked a question on the FortiAuthenticator 4.0 Admin Guide about whether or not the FortiAuthenticator was needed in order for a FortiGate to communicate and authenticate with Windows Active Directory. The answer to that question is a resounding “NO” but it did remind me of a neat trick the FortiAuthenticator does provide when deployed in a LDAP environment. I like to call little things like this configuration the key to #FortiSuccess

When a FortiAuthenticator is deployed in a Windows Active Directory environment and it’s service account (the account you created for it to use when authenticating to AD in order to perform service tasks and lookups) has permissions to read and write to update passwords, you can utilize the FortiAuthenticator self service portal for your users in order to perform AD password resets.

We all know, having worked in help desk style environments before, that one of the most frequent trouble tickets a service desk receives is the dreaded password resets due to users forgetting their credentials.

So buy a FortiAuthenticator, deploy it in your environment, and utilize it for self service so that you can reduce your help desk work load and overhead!

I deployed this configuration for a large university and they were able to greatly reduce the work load and needs of their help desk and at the same time caused their users to feel empowered.


The FortiAuthenticator 4.0 Documentation will tell you everything you need to know to deploy this setup. Specific Password Recovery configurations can be viewed on PAGE 4 of that same documentation.

Filter Syntax – FortiAuthenticator 4.0

Filter Syntax

This chapter outlines some basic filter syntax that is used to select users and groups in LDAP User Import, Dynamic LDAP Groups, and Remote User Sync Rules.

Filters are constructed using logical operators:

= Equal to
~= Approximately equal to
<= Lexicographically less than or equal to
>= Lexicographically greater than or equal to
| OR

Filters can consist of multiple elements, such as (&(filter1)(filter2)). More information about the query syntax of AD filters, see the following web sites:


The following examples are for a Windows 2008 AD server with the domain, default domain administrators and users, and an additional group called FW_Admins:

l Users (CN) = atano, pjfry, tleela, tbother l FW_Admins (Security Group) = atano, tbother

An unfiltered browse will return all results from the query, including system and computer accounts. To prevent this and only return user accounts, apply the filter (objectClass=person) or (objectCategory=user).

Even if unfiltered, only user accounts will be imported, so this is only required to clean up the results that are displayed in the GUI.

To filter and return only members of the security group: (&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=CN=FW_ Admin,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com)).

It is not possible to use the filter to limit results to CNs or OUs. To achieve this, you must change the Base DN in the LDAP Server configuration. For example, to return only users from the CompanyA OU, create an LDAP Server entry with the following Base DN: OU=CompanyA,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com.

Filter Syntax


Users do not always have a memberOf property for their primary group, this means that querying system groups, such as Domain Users, may return zero results. This can be confusing as these are often the first queries to be tried, and can lead the user to think the filter syntax is incorrect.

For example: (memberOf=CN=Domain Users,CN=Domain

Admins,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com) will return no valid results.

To return all users in such a group, the filter can be made against the ID value of the Primary Group. So, for Domain Users (Group ID = 513), the filter would be: (primaryGroupId=513). 163

Troubleshooting – FortiAuthenticator 4.0


This chapter provides suggestions to resolve common problems encountered while configuring and using your FortiAuthenticator device, as well as information on viewing debug logs.

For more support, contact Fortinet Customer Service & Support (

Before starting, please ensure that your FortiAuthenticator device is plugged in to an appropriate, and functional, power source.


The following table describes some of the basic issues that can occur while using your FortiAuthenticator device, and suggestions on how to solve said issues.

Problem Suggestions
All user log in attempts fail, there is no response from the FortiAuthenticator device, and there are no entries in the system log. l  Check that the authentication client has been correctly configured. See Adding a FortiAuthenticator unit to your network on page 16. If the authentication client is not configured, all requests are silently dropped.

l  Verify that traffic is reaching the FortiAuthenticator device.

Is there an intervening Firewall blocking 1812/UDP RADIUS Authentication traffic, is the routing correct, is the authentication client configured with correct IP address for the FortiAuthenticator unit, etc.

All user log in attempts fail with the message RADIUS ACCESS-REJECT, and

invalid password shown in the logs.

l Verify that the authentication client secrets are identical to those on the FortiAuthenticator unit.
Generally, user log in attempts are successful, however, an individual user authentication attempt fails with invalid password shown in the logs. l  Reset the user’s password and try again. See Editing a user on page 60.

l  Have the user privately show their password to the administrator to check for unexpected characters (possibly due to keyboard regionalization issues).


Troubleshooting                                                                                                                                Debug logs

Problem Suggestions
Generally, user log in attempts are successful, however, an individual user authentication attempt fails with invalid token shown in the logs. l  Verify that the user is not trying to use a previously used PIN. Tokens are One Time Passwords, so you cannot log in twice with the same PIN.

l  Verify that the time and timezone on the FortiAuthenticator unit are correct and, preferably, synchronised using NTP. See Configuring the system time, time zone, and date on page 27.

l  Verify that the token is correctly synchronized with the

FortiAuthenticator unit, and verify the drift by synchronizing the token. See FortiToken drift adjustment on page 75.

l  Verify the user is using the token assigned to them (validate the serial number against the FortiAuthenticator unit configuration). See User management on page 57.

l  If the user is using an e-mail or SMS token, verify it is being used within the valid timeout period. See Lockouts on page 55.

Debug logs

Extended debug logs can be accessed by using your web browser to browse to https://<FortiAuthenticator IP Address>/debug.

Debug logs                                                                                                                                Troubleshooting

Service Select the service whose logs are shown from the drop-down list: l FSSO Agent l GUI l HA l LDAP

l  RADIUS Accounting l RADIUS Authentication


l  Startup l Web Server

Enter debug mode If RADIUS Authentication is selected as the service, the option to enter the debug mode is available. See RADIUS debugging on page 161.
Search Enter a search term in the search field, then select Search to search the debug logs.
Page navigation Use the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, and Last Page icons to navigated through the logs.
Show Select the number of lines to show per page from the drop-down list. The options are: 100 (default), 250, and 500.

RADIUS debugging

RADIUS authentication debugging mode can be accessed to debug RADIUS authentication issues.

In the debug logs screen, select RADIUS Authentication from the Service drop-down list, then select Enter debug mode from the toolbar.

Enter the username and password then select OK to test the RADIUS authentication and view the authentication response and returned attributes.

Select Exit debug mode to deactivate the debugging mode.

Logging – FortiAuthenticator 4.0


Accounting is an important part of FortiAuthenticator. The Logging menu tree provides a record of the events that have taken place on the FortiAuthenticator unit.

Log access

To view the log events table, go to Logging > Log Access > Logs.

The following options and information are available:

Refresh Refresh the log list.
Download Raw Log Export the FortiAuthenticator log to your computer as a text file named fac.log.
Log Type Reference Select to view the log type reference dialog box. See Log type reference on page 155.
Debug Report Select to download the debug report to your computer as a file named report.dbg.
Search Enter a search term in the search field, then select Search to search the log message list.

The search string must appear in the Message portion of the log entry to result in a match. To prevent each term in a phrase from being matched separately, multiple keywords must be in quotes and be an exact match. After the search is complete the number of positive matches will be displayed next to the Search button, with the total number of log entries in brackets following. Select the total number of log entries to return to the full list. Subsequent searches will search all the log entries, and not just the previous search’s results.

ID The log message’s ID.
Timestamp The time the message was received.

Log access                                                                                                                                              Logging

Level The log severity level:

Emergency: The system has become unstable. l Alert: Immediate action is required. l Critical: Functionality is affected.

Error: An erroneous condition exists, and functionality is probably affected.

Warning: Functionality could be affected. l Notification: Information about normal events. l Information: General information about system operations. l Debug: Detailed information useful for debugging purposes.

Category The log category, which is always Event. See Log type reference on page 155.
Sub category The log subcategory. See Log type reference on page 155.
Type id The log type ID.
Action The action which created the log message, if applicable.
Status The status of the action that created the log message, if applicable.
NAS name/IP The NAS name or IP address of the relevant device if an authentication action fails.
Short message The log message itself, sometimes slightly shortened.
User The user to whom the log message pertains.

To view log details:

From the log list, select the log whose details you need to view by clicking anywhere within the log’s row. The Log Details pane will open on the right side of the window.

After viewing the log details, select the close icon in the top right corner of the pane to close the details pane. Log type reference

Select Log Type Reference in the log list toolbar to open the log type reference dialog box.

The following information and options are available:

Search   Enter a search term in the search field, then select Search to search the log type reference.
Type id   The log type ID.
>Name   The name of the log type.


Logging                                                                                                                                               Log access

Sub category The log type subcategory, one of: Admin Configuration, Authentication, System, High Availability, UserPortal, or Web Service.
Category The log type category, which is always Event.
Description A brief description of the log type.

To close the Log Type Reference dialog box, select close above the top right corner of the box, or simply click anywhere outside of the box within the log list.

Log configuration                                                                                                                                    Logging

Sort the log messages

The log message table can be sorted by any column. To sort the log entries by a particular column, select the title for that column. The log entries will now be displayed based on data in that column in ascending order. Select the column heading again to sort the entries in descending order. Ascending or descending is displayed with an arrow next to the column title, an up arrow for ascending and down arrow for descending.

Log configuration

Logs can be remotely backed up to an FTP server, automatically deleted, and sent to a remote syslog server in lieu of storing them locally.

Log settings

To configure log backups, automatic deletion, and remote storage, go to Logging > Log Config > Log Setting.

To configure log backups:

  1. In the log settings window, select Enable remote backup in the Log Backup
  2. Select the frequency of the backups in the Frequency field as either Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
  3. Configure the time of day that the backup will occur in one of the following ways:

l Enter a time in the Time field l Select Now to enter the current time l Select the clock icon and choose a time from the pop-up menu: Now, Midnight, 6 a.m., or Noon.

  1. Select an FTP server from the drop-down list in the FTP server For information on configuring an FTP server, see FTP servers on page 44.
  2. Select OK to save your settings.

To configure automatic log deletion:

  1. In the log settings window, select Enable log auto-deletion in the Log Auto-Deletion
  2. In the Auto-delete logs older than field, select day(s), week(s), or month(s) from the drop-down list, then enter the number of days, weeks, or months after which a log will be deleted.
  3. Select OK to save your settings.


Logging                                                                                                                                    Log configuration

To configure logging to a remote syslog server:

  1. In the log settings window, select Send logs to remote Syslog servers in the Remote Syslog
  2. Move the syslog servers to which the logs will be sent from the Available syslog servers box to the Chosen syslog servers

For information on adding syslog servers, see Syslog servers on page 158.

  1. Select OK to save your settings.

Syslog servers

Syslog servers can be used to store remote logs. To view the syslog server list, go to Logging > Log Config > Syslog Servers.

Create New   Add a new syslog server.
Delete   Delete the selected syslog server or servers.
Edit   Edit the selected syslog server.
Name   The syslog server name on the FortiAuthenticator unit.
Server name/IP   The server name or IP address, and port number.

To add a syslog server:

  1. From the syslog servers list, select Create New. The Create New Syslog Server window opens.
  2. Enter the following information:
Name Enter a name for the syslog server on the FortiAuthenticator unit.
Server name/IP Enter the syslog server name or IP address.
Port Enter the syslog server port number. The default port is 514.
Level Select a log level to store on the remote server from the drop-down list. See Level on page 155.
Facility Select a facility from the drop-down list.
  1. Select OK to add the syslog server.



Certificate Management – FortiAuthenticator 4.0

Certificate Management

This section describes managing certificates with the FortiAuthenticator device.

FortiAuthenticator can act as a CA for the creation and signing of X.509 certificates, such as server certificates for HTTPS and SSH, and client certificates for HTTPS, SSL, and IPSEC VPN.

The FortiAuthenticator unit has several roles that involve certificates:

Certificate authority The administrator generates CA certificates that can validate the user certificates generated on this FortiAuthenticator unit.

The administrator can import other authorities’ CA certificates and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), as well as generate, sign, and revoke user certificates. See End entities on page 133 for more information.

SCEP server A SCEP client can retrieve any of the local CA certificates (Local CAs on

page 140), and can have its own user certificate signed by the FortiAuthenticator unit CA.

Remote LDAP


Acting as an LDAP client, the FortiAuthenticator unit authenticates users against an external LDAP server. It verifies the identity of the external LDAP server by using a trusted CA certificate, see Trusted CAs on page 147.
EAP Authentication The FortiAuthenticator unit checks that the client’s certificate is signed by one of the configured authorized CA certificates, see Certificate authorities on page 140. The client certificate must also match one of the user certificates, see End entities on page 133.

Any changes made to certificates generate log entries that can be viewed at Logging > Log Access > Logs. See Logging on page 154.

This chapter includes the following sections:

l Policies l End entities l Certificate authorities l SCEP


The policies section includes global configuration settings which are applied across all certificate authorities and end-entity certificates created on the FortiAuthenticator device.

Certificate expiry

Certificate expiration settings can be configured in Certificate Management > Policies > Certificate Expiry.


The following settings can be configured:

Warn when a certificate is about to expire Enable sending a warning message to an administrator before a certificate expires.
Send a warning e-mail Enter the number of days before the certificate expires that the email will be sent.
Administrator’s e-mail Enter the email address to which the expiry warning message will be sent.

Select OK to apply any configuration changes.

End entities

User and server certificates are required for mutual authentication on many HTTPS, SSL, and IPsec VPN network resources. You can create a user certificate on the FortiAuthenticator device, or import and sign a CSR. User certificates, client certificates, or local computer certificates are all the same type of certificate.

To view the user certificate list, go to Certificate Management > End Entities > Users. To view the server certificate list, go to Certificate Management > End Entities > Local Services.

The following information is available:

Create New   Create a new certificate.
Import   Select to import a certificate signed by a third-party CA for a previously generated CSR (see To import a local user certificate: on page 138 and To import a server certificate: on page 138) or to import a CSR to sign (see To import a CSR to sign: on page 138).
Revoke   Revoke the selected certificate. See To revoke a certificate: on page 139.
Delete   Delete the selected certificate.
Export Certificate   Save the selected certificate to your computer.
Export PKCS#12   Export the PKCS#12. This is only available for user certificates.
Search   Enter a search term in the search field, then press Enter to search the certificate list.
Filter   Select to filter the displayed certificates by status. The available selections are: All, Pending, Expired, Revoked, and Active.
Certificate ID   The certificate ID.
Subject   The certificate’s subject.
Issuer The issuer of the certificate.
Status The status of the certificate, either active, pending, or revoked.

Certificates can be created, imported, exported, revoked, and deleted as required. CSRs can be imported to sign, and the certificate detail information can also be viewed, see To view certificate details: on page 140.

To create a new certificate:

  1. To create a new user certificate, go to Certificate Management > End Entities > Users. To create a new server certificate, go to Certificate Management > End Entities > Local Services.
  2. Select Create New to open the Create New UserCertificate or Create New ServerCertificate
  3. Configure the following settings:


Certificate ID Enter a unique ID for the certificate.
Certificate Signing Options  
Issuer Select the issuer of the certificate, either Local CA or Third-party CA. Selecting Third-party CA generates a CSR that is to be signed by a third-party CA.
Local User (Optional) If Local CA is selected as the issuer, you may select a local user from the drop-down list to whom the certificate will apply.This option is only available when creating a new user certificate.
Certificate authority If Local CA is selected as the issuer, select one of the available CAs configured on the FortiAuthenticator unit from the drop-down list. The CA must be valid and current. If it is not you will have to create or import a CA certificate before continuing. See Certificate authorities on page 140.
Subject Information  
Subject input method Select the subject input method, either Fully distinguished name or


Fully distinguished name If the subject input method is Fully distinguished name, enter the full distinguished name of the subject. There should be no spaces between attributes.Valid DN attributes are DC, C, ST, L, O, OU, CN, and emailAddress. They are case-sensitive.
Field-by-field If the subject input method is Field-by-field, enter the subject name in the Name (CN) field, and optionally enter the following fields:

Department (OU) l Company (O) l City (L) l State/Province (ST)

Country (C) (select from drop-down list) l E-mail address

Key and Signing Options  
Validity period Select the amount of time before this certificate expires. This option is only available when Issuer is set to Local CA.

Select Set length of time to enter a specific number of days, or select Set an expiry date and enter the specific date on which the certificate expires.

Key type The key type is set to RSA.
Key size Select the key size from the drop-down list: 1024, 2048, or 4096 bits.
Hash algorithm Select the hash algorithm from the drop-down list, either SHA-1 or SHA-256.


Subject Alternative Name Subject Alternative Names (SAN) allow you to protect multiple host names with a single SSL certificate. SAN is part of the X.509 certificate standard.

For example, SANs are used to protect multiple domain names such as and, in contrast to wildcard certificates that can only protect all first-level subdomains on one domain, such as *

Email Enter the email address of a user to map to this certificate.
User Principal Name (UPN) Enter the UPN used to find the user’s account in Microsoft Active Directory. This will map the certificate to this specific user. The UPN is unique for the Windows Server domain. This is a form of one-to-one mapping.
Other Extensions This option is only available when creating a new user certificate, and when Issuer is set to Local CA.
Add CRL Distribution Points extension Select to add CRL distribution points extension to the certificate. Note: Once a certificate is issued with this extension, the server must be able to handle the CRL request at the specified location.

A DNS domain name must be configured. If it has not been, select Edit DNS name to configure one. See DNS on page 31.

Use certificate for Smart Card logon Select to use the certificate for smart card logon.
Advanced Options: Key Usages Some certificates require the explicit presence of key usage attributes before the certificate can be accepted for use.
Digital Signature a high-integrity signature that assures the recipient that a message was not altered in transit
Non Repudiation an authentication that is deemed as genuine with high assurance
Key Encipherment uses the public key to encrypt private or secret keys
Data Encipherment uses the public key to encrypt data
Key Agreement an interactive method for multiple parties to establish a cryptographic key, based on prior knowledge of a password
Certificate Sign a message from an applicant to a certificate authority in order to apply for a digital identity certificate
CRL Sign a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Sign states a validity period for an issued certificate
Encipher Only information will be converted into code only
Decipher Only code will be converted into information only
Advanced Options: Extended Key Usages Some certificates require the explicit presence of extended key usage attributes before the certificate can be accepted for use.


Server Authentication authentication will only be granted when the user submits their credentials to the server
Client Authentication authentication will be granted to the server by exchanging a client certificate
Code Signing used to confirm the software author, and guarantees that the code has not been altered or corrupted through use of a cryptographic hash
Secure Email a secure email sent over SSL encryption
OCSP Signing Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Signing sends a request to the server for certificate status information. The server will send back a response of “current”, “expired”, or “unknown”. OCSP permits a grace period to users or are expired, allowing them a limited time period to renew. This is usually used over CRL.
IPSec End System  
IPSec Tunnel Termination IPSec SAs (Security Associations) are terminated through deletion or by timing out
IPSec User  

Intermediate (end entity)

An intermediate certificate is a subordinate certificate issued by a trusted root specifically to issue end-entity certificates. The result is a certificate chain that begins at the trusted root CA, through the intermediate CA (or CAs) and ending with the SSL certificate issued to you.
Time Stamping  
Microsoft Individual Code Signing user submits information that is compared to an independent consumer database to validate their credentials
Microsoft Commercial Code Signing user submits information that proves their identity as corporate representatives
Microsoft Trust List Signing uses a Certificate Trust List (CTL), a list of hashes of certificates. The list is comprised of pre-authenticated items that were approved by a trusted signing entity
Microsoft/Netscape Server Gated Crypto a defunct mechanism that stepped up 40-bit and 50-bit to 128-bit cipher suites with SSL
Microsoft Encrypted File System the Encrypted File System (EFS) enables files to be transparently encrypted to protect confidential data
Microsoft EFS File Recovery the certificate will be granted on the condition it has an EFS file recovery agent prepared
Smart Card Logon the certificate will be granted on the condition that the user logs on to the network with a smart card
EAP over PPP/LAN Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) will operate within either a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) or Local Area Network (LAN) framework
KDC Authentication an Authentication Server (AS) forwards usernames to a key distribution center (KDC), which issues an encrypted, time stamped ticket back to the user
  1. Select OK to create the new certificate.

To import a local user certificate:

  1. Go to Certificate Management > End Entities > Users and select Import.
  2. In the Import Signing Request orCertificate window, in the Type field, select Local certificate.
  3. Select .. to locate the certificate file on your computer.
  4. Select OK to import the certificate.

To import a server certificate:

  1. to Certificate Management > End Entities > Local Services and select Import.
  2. In the Import Certificate window, select .. to locate the certificate file on your computer.
  3. Select OK to import the certificate.

To import a CSR to sign:

  1. Go to Certificate Management > End Entities > Users and select Import.
  2. In the Import Signing Request orCertificate window, in the Type field, select CSR to sign.
  3. Configure the following settings:
Certificate ID Enter a unique ID for the certificate.
CSR file (.csr, .req) Select Browse… then locate the CSR file on your computer.
Certificate Signing Options  
Certificate authority Select one of the available CAs configured on the FortiAuthenticator from the         drop-      down     list.

The CA must be valid and current. If it is not you will have to create or import a CA certificate before continuing. See Certificate authorities on page 140.

Validity period Select the amount of time before this certificate expires. Select Set length of time to enter a specific number of days, or select Set an expiry date and enter the specific date on which the certificate expires
Hash algorithm Select the hash algorithm from the drop-down list, either SHA-1 or SHA256.
Subject Alternative Name  
Email Enter the email address of a user to map to this certificate.
User Principal Name (UPN) Enter the UPN used to find the user’s account in Microsoft Active Directory. This will map the certificate to this specific user. The UPN is unique the Windows Server domain. This is a form of one-to-one mapping.
Other Extensions  
                     Add            CRL


Points extension

Select to add CRL distribution points extension to the certificate. Note: Once a certificate is issued with this extension, the server must be able to handle the CRL request at the specified location. A DNS domain name must be configured. If it has not been, select Edit DNS name to configure one. See DNS on page 31.
Use certificate for

Smart Card logon

Select to use the certificate for smart card logon. This option can only be selected concurrently with Add CRL Distribution Points extension.
  1. Select OK to import the CSR.

To revoke a certificate:

  1. Go to Certificate Management > End Entities > Users or to Certificate Management > End Entities > Local Services.
  2. Select the certificate the will be revoked, then select Revoke. The Revoke UserCertificate or Revoke Server Certificate window opens.
  3. Select a reason for revoking the certificate from the Reason code drop-down list. The reasons available are:

l Unspecified l Key has been compromised l CA has been compromised l Changes in affiliation l Superseded l Operation ceased l On Hold


Some of these reasons are security related (such as the key or CA being compromised), while others are more business related; a change in affiliation could be an employee leaving the company; Operation ceased could be a project that was cancelled.

  1. Select OK to revoke the certificate.

To view certificate details:

From the certificate list, select a certificate ID to open the Certificate Detail Information window.

Select Edit next to the Certificate ID field to change the certificate ID. If any of this information is out of date or incorrect, you will not be able to use this certificate. If this is the case, delete the certificate and re-enter the information in a new certificate, see To create a new certificate: on page 134. Select Close to return to the certificate list.

RADIUS Single Sign On – FortiAuthenticator 4.0

RADIUS Single Sign-On

A FortiGate or FortiMail unit can transparently identify users who have already authenticated on an external RADIUS server by parsing RADIUS accounting records. However, this approach has potential difficulties:

  • The RADIUS server is business-critical IT infrastructure, limiting the changes that can be made to the server configuration.
  • In some cases, the server can send accounting records only to a single endpoint. Some network topologies may require multiple endpoints.

The FortiAuthenticator RADIUS Accounting Proxy overcomes these limitations by proxying the RADIUS accounting records, modifying them, and replicating them to the multiple subscribing endpoints as needed.

RADIUS accounting proxy

The FortiAuthenticator receives RADIUS accounting packets from a carrier RADIUS server, transforms them, and then forwards them to multiple FortiGate or FortiMail devices for use in RADIUS Single Sign-On. This differs from the packet use of RADIUS accounting (RADIUS accounting on page 115).

The accounting proxy needs to know:

l Rule sets to define or derive the RADIUS attributes that the FortiGate unit requires, l The source of the RADIUS accounting records: the RADIUS server, l The destination(s) of the accounting records: the FortiGate units using this information for RADIUS SSO authentication.

General settings

General RADIUS accounting proxy settings can be configure by going to Fortinet SSO Methods > Accounting Proxy > General.

The following settings are available:

Log level Select Debug, Info, Warning, or Error as the minimum severity level of event to log from the drop-down list.
Group cache lifetime Enter the amount of time after which user group memberships will expire in the cache, from 1 to 10080 minutes (7 days). The default is 480 minutes.
Number of proxy retries Enter the number of times to retry proxy requests if they timeout, from 0 to 3 retries, where 0 disables retries. The default is 3 retries.
Proxy retry timeout Enter the retry period (timeout) of a proxy request, from 1 to 10 seconds.
Statistics update period Enter the time between statistics updates to the seconds debug log, from 1 to 3600 seconds (1 hour).

Select OK to apply your changes.

accounting proxy                                                                                                                 RADIUS

Rule sets

A rule set can contain multiple rules. Each rule can do one of:

l add an attribute with a fixed value l add an attribute retrieved from a user’s record on an LDAP server l rename an attribute to make it acceptable to the accounting proxy destination.

The FortiAuthenticator unit can store up to 10 rule sets. You can provide both a name and a description to each rule set to help you remember each rule set’s purpose.

Rules access RADIUS attributes of which there are both standard attributes and vendor-specific attributes (VSAs). To select a standard attribute, select the Default vendor. See RADIUS attributes on page 72.

To view the accounting proxy rule set list, go to Fortinet SSO Methods > Accounting Proxy > Rule Sets.

To add RADIUS accounting proxy rule sets:

  1. From the rule set list, select Create New. The Create New Rule Set window opens.
  2. Enter the following information:
Name Enter a name to use when selecting this rule set for an accounting proxy destination.
Description Optionally, enter a brief description of the rule’s purpose.
Rules Enter one or more rules.

Single Sign-On                                                                                      RADIUS accounting proxy

Action The action for each rule can be either Add or Modify.

Add: add either a static value or a value derived from an LDAP server.

Modify: rename an attribute.

Attribute Select Browse and choose the appropriate Vendor and Attribute ID in the Select a RADIUS Attribute dialog box.
Attribute 2 If the action is set to Modify, a second attribute may be selected. The first attribute will be renamed to the second attribute.
Value Type If the action is set to Add, select a value type from the drop-down list.

Static value: adds the attribute in the Attribute field containing the static value in the Value field.

Group names: adds attribute in the Attribute field containing “Group names” from the group membership of the Username Attribute on the remote LDAP server. l Services: adds attribute in the Attribute field containing “Services” from the group membership of the Username Attribute on the remote LDAP server.

UTM profile groups: adds attribute in the Attribute field containing “UTM profile groups” from the group membership of the Username Attribute on the remote LDAP server.

Value If the action is set to Add and Value Type is set to Static value, enter the static value.


If the action is set to Add, and Value Type is not set to Static value, specify an attribute that provides the user’s name, or select Browse and choose the appropriate Vendor and Attribute ID in the Select a RADIUS Attribute dialog box.
Remote LDAP If the attribute addition requires an LDAP server, select one from the dropdown list. See LDAP on page 88 for information on remote LDAP servers.
Description A brief description of the rule is provided.
Add another rule Select to add another rule to the rule set.
  1. Select OK to create the new rule set.
Example rule set

The incoming accounting packets contain the following fields:

  • User-Name l NAS-IP-Address l Fortinet-Client-IP-Address

The outgoing accounting packets need to have these fields:

accounting proxy                                                                                                                 RADIUS

  • User-Name l NAS-IP-Address l Fortinet-Client-IP-Address l Session-Timeout: Value is always 3600 l Fortinet-Group-Name: Value is obtained from user’s group membership on remote LDAP l Service-Type: Value is obtained from user’s group membership and SSO Group Mapping

The rule set needs three rules to add Session-Timeout, Fortinet-Group-Name, and Service-Type. The following image provides an example:


The RADIUS accounting proxy sources list can be viewed in Fortinet SSO Methods > Accounting Proxy > Sources. Sources can be added, edited, and deleted as needed.

To add a RADIUS accounting proxy source:

  1. From the source list, select Create New. The Create New RADIUS Accounting Proxy Source window opens.
  2. Enter the following information:
Name                                         Enter           the           name           of           the

This is used in FortiAuthenticator configurations.

RADIUS server.

Single Sign-On                                                                                      RADIUS accounting proxy

Source name/IP Enter the FQDN or IP address of the server.
Secret Enter the shared secret required to access the server.
Description Optionally, enter a description of the source.
  1. Select OK to add the RADIUS accounting proxy source.


The destination of the RADIUS accounting records is the FortiGate unit that will use the records to identify users. When defining the destination, you also specify the source of the records (a RADIUS client already defined as a source) and the rule set to apply to the records.

To view the RADIUS accounting proxy destinations list, go to Fortinet SSO Methods > Accounting Proxy > Destinations.

To add a RADIUS accounting proxy destinations:

  1. From the destinations list, select Create New. The Create New RADIUS Accounting Proxy Destination window opens.
  2. Enter the following information:
Name Enter a name to identify the destination device in your configuration.
Destination name/IP Enter The FQDN or IP address of the FortiGate that will receive the RADIUS accounting records.
Secret Enter the preshared key of the destination.
Source Select a RADIUS client defined as a source from the drop-down list. See Sources on page 127.
Rule set Select an appropriate rule set from the drop-down list or select Create New to create a new rule set. See Rule sets on page 125.
  1. Select OK to add the RADIUS accounting proxy destination.