Initial Configuration in Basic Mode

Creating reports

You can configure a report profile, including its contents, design, output format, recipients, and run schedule.

To configure a report profile

  1. Go to Log and Report > Report > Configuration.

Figure 49:Report configuration tab

  1. For a new report, click New. For an existing report, select it and click Edit.

A multisection dialog appears.

  1. In Report name, enter a name for the report profile.

Report names cannot include spaces.

Figure 50:Report configuration dialog

  1. Click the arrow next to each option, and configure the following:
Time Period Select the time span of log messages from which to generate the report. For more information, see “Configuring the time period of a report profile” on page 154.
Query Selection Select one or more subject matters to include in the report. For more information, see “Configuring the query selection of a report profile” on page 154.
Schedule Select to generate reports from this report profile either manually only or automatically, according to a schedule. For more information, see “Configuring a report profile schedule” on page 155.
Domain Select the protected domains to include in the report. For more information, see “Configuring the protected domain of a report profile” on page 155.

Incoming Outgoing Select whether to report upon incoming email, outgoing email, or both. For more information, see “Configuring incoming or outgoing directionality of a report profile” on page 156.

Email Notification      Select recipients to receive the report by email. This is optional. For more information, see “Configuring email notification for a report profile” on page 156.

  1. Click Create or OK.

Configuring the time period of a report profile

When configuring a report profile, you can select the time span of log messages from which to generate the report.

Figure 51:Time period

  1. Select the down-arrow next to Time Period to expand the section.
  2. Select which time span option you want. This sets the range of log data to include in the report.
    • Select the first option to chose a relative time, such as Today, Yesterday, Last n hours, and so on. If you select an option with an unspecified “n” value, another field appears. Enter the number of hours, days or weeks, as applicable.
    • Select the second option to set a specific time range. Set the start date and hour, and end date and hour.

Configuring the query selection of a report profile

When configuring a report profile, you can select one or more queries or query groups that define the report’s contents. Each query group contains multiple individual queries, each of which correspond to a chart that will appear in the generated report.

  1. Select the down-arrow next to Query Selection to expand the section.
  2. Select which query groups and individual queries you want to include in the report.
    • To select all queries in a query group, select the check box next to the query group heading.
    • To select specific queries in a query group, expand the group heading. Select the check boxes next to each query you want to include.

For example:

  • If you want the report to include charts about spam, you might select both of the query groups Spam by Sender and Spam by Recipient.
  • If you want the report to specifically include only a chart about top virus senders by date, you might expand the query group Virus by Sender, then select only the individual query Top Virus Sender By Date.

Configuring a report profile schedule

When configuring a report profile, you can select whether the FortiMail unit will generate the report on demand or according to a schedule you configure.

  1. Select the down-arrow next to Schedule to expand the section.

Figure 52:Schedule

Not scheduled Select if you do not want the FortiMail unit to generate the report automatically according to a schedule.

If you select this option, you must generate the report manually.

Daily Select to generate the report each day. Also configure At hour.
These days Select to generate the report on specific days of each week, then select those days. Also configure At hour.
These dates Select to generate the report on specific days of each month, then enter those date numbers. Separate date numbers with a comma. Also configure At hour.

For example, to generate a report on the first and 15th day of every month, enter 1,15.

At hour Select the hour of the day to generate the report, according to a 24-hour clock.

This option does not apply if you select Not scheduled.

Configuring the protected domain of a report profile

When configuring a report profile, you can select one or more protected domains whose log messages will be used as input to the report.

  1. Select the down-arrow next to Domain to expand the section.

Figure 53:Domain

  1. Select a domain to include in the Available domains

The available domains are those configure on the Settings > Domains > Domains tab.

  1. Click the move-right button (->) to move it to the Selected domains
  2. Repeat the previous two steps for each domain you want included in the report.

Configuring incoming or outgoing directionality of a report profile

When configuring a report profile, you can select to report email messages based on their directionality: incoming, outgoing, or both.

  1. Select the down-arrow next to Incoming/Outgoing to expand the section.

Figure 54:Directionality selection

  1. Select an option from the drop-down list.
    • Incoming
    • Outgoing
    • Both

For an explanation of directionality, see “Incoming versus outgoing directionality” on page 7.

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About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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