Authentication servers

LDAP server Distinguished Name Query tree

Example — wildcard admin accounts – CLI

A wildcard admin account is an administrator account with the wildcard option enabled. This option allows multiple different remote administration accounts to match one local administration account, avoiding the need to set up individual admin accounts on the FortiGate unit. Instead multiple LDAP admin accounts will all be able to use one FortiGate admin account.

The initial benefit of wildcard admin accounts is fast configuration of the FortiGate unit’s administration account to work with your LDAP network. The many to one ratio saves on effort, and potential errors.

The ongoing benefit is that as long as the users on the LDAP system belong to that group, and the test admin user settings don’t change on the FortiGate unit, no other work is required. This point is important as it can help avoid system updates or changes that would otherwise require changes to the LDAP administrator account configuration. Even if a user is added to or removed from the LDAP group, no changes are required on the FortiGate unit.

Two potential issues with wildcard admin accounts are that multiple users may be logged on to the same account at the same time. This becomes an issue if they are changing the same information at the same time. The other potential issue is that security is reduced because multiple people have login access for the same account. If each user was assigned their own account, a hijacking of one account would not affect the other users.

Note that wildcard admin configuration also applies to RADIUS. When configuring for RADIUS, configure the RADIUS server, and RADIUS user group instead of LDAP. When using web-based management, wildcard admin is the only type of remote administrator account that does not require you to enter a password on account creation. That password is normally used when the remote authentication server is unavailable during authentication.

In this example, default values are used where possible. If a specific value is not mentioned, it is set to its default value.


Configuring the LDAP server

The important parts of this configuration are the username and group lines. The username is the domain administrator account. The group binding allows only the group with the name GRP to access.


The dn used here is as an example only. On your network use your own domain name.



To configure LDAP server – CLI:

config user ldap

edit “ldap_server”

set server “” set cnid “sAMAccountName”

set dn “DC=example,DC=com,DC=au” set type regular

set username “CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=COM”

set password *

set group-member-check group-object set group-object-filter (&


next end


To configure the user group and add the LDAP server – CLI:

config user group edit “ldap_grp”

set member “ldap” config match edit 1

set server-name “ldap_server”

set group-name “CN=GRP,OU=training,DC=example,DC=COM” next

end next



Configuring the admin account

The wildcard part of this example is only available in the CLI for admin configuration. When enabled, this allows all LDAP group members to login to the FortiGate unit without the need to create a separate admin account for each user. In effect the members of that group will each be able to login as “test”.

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About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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