Configuring WAN optimization

Configuring WAN optimization

This chapter describes FortiGate WAN optimization client server architecture and other concepts you need to understand to be able to configure FortiGate WAN optimization.


Client/server architecture

Traffic across a WAN typically consists of clients on a client network communicating across a WAN with a remote server network. The clients do this by starting communication sessions from the client network to the server network. These communication sessions can be open text over the WAN or they can be encrypted by SSL VPN or IPsec VPN.

To optimize these sessions, you can add WAN optimization security policies to the client-side FortiGate unit to accept sessions from the client network that are destined for the server network. The client-side FortiGate unit is located between the client network and the WAN. WAN optimization security policies include WAN optimization profiles that control how the traffic is optimized.

The client-side FortiGate unit must also include the IP address of the server-side FortiGate unit in its WAN optimization peer configuration. The server-side FortiGate unit is located between the server network and the WAN, The peer configuration allows the client-side FortiGate unit to find the server-side FortiGate unit and attempt to establish a WAN optimization tunnel with it.

For the server-side FortiGate unit you must add a security policy with wanopt as the Incoming Interface. This security policy allows the FortiGate unit to accept WAN optimization sessions from the client-side FortiGate unit. For the server-side FortiGate unit to accept a WAN optimization connection it must have the client-side FortiGate unit in its WAN optimization peer configuration.

WAN optimization profiles are only added to the client-side WAN optimization security policy. The server-side FortiGate unit employs the WAN optimization settings set in the WAN optimization profile on the client-side FortiGate unit.


Client/server architecture

When both peers are identified the FortiGate units attempt to establish a WAN optimization tunnel between them. WAN optimization tunnels use port 7810. All optimized data flowing across the WAN between the client- side and server-side FortiGate units use this tunnel. WAN optimization tunnels can be encrypted use SSL encryption to keep the data in the tunnel secure.

Any traffic can be sent through a WAN optimization tunnel. This includes SSL and IPsec VPN traffic. However, instead of configuring SSL or IPsec VPN for this communication you can add SSL encryption using the WAN optimization tunnel.

In addition to basic identification by peer host ID and IP address you can configure WAN optimization authentication using certificates and pre-shared keys to improve security. You can also configure FortiGate units involved in WAN optimization to accept connections from any identified peer or restrict connections to specific peers.

The FortiClient application can act in the same manner as a client-side FortiGate unit to optimize traffic between a computer running FortiClient and a FortiGate unit.

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