Chapter 5 – Best Practices

Execute the upgrade plan

Execution of an upgrade is just as key as planning.

Once you are performing the upgrade, the pressure will rise and stress might peak. This is why you should stick to the plan you created with a cool head.

Resist the temptation to take decisions while performing the upgrade, as your judgment will be clouded by the stress of the moment, even if a new decision seems to be “obvious” at such time. If your plan says you should rollback, then execute the rollback despite the potential “We-can-fix-this-very-quickly” mentality.

While performing the upgrade, make sure all the involved components are permanently monitored before, during, and after the upgrade, either via monitoring systems, SNMP alerts, or at least with tools like a ping. Critical resources like CPU, memory, network, and/or disk utilization must also be constantly monitored.

To avoid misunderstandings, when performing the tests for each critical application defined on the planning, make sure there are formal notifications on the results for each user area, service, system, and/or application tested.

Regardless if you have to rollback or not, if a problem occurs, make sure you gather as much information about the problem as possible, so you can later place a support ticket to find a solution.

Last but not least, document the upgrade:

  • Enable your terminal emulation program to leave trace of all the commands executed and all the output generated.

If you are performing steps via GUI, consider using a video capture tool to document it.

  • Document any command or change performed over the adjacent/interdependent systems. Make sure they are acknowledged by the relevant administrators
  • Document any deviations performed over the upgrade plan. This is planned-versus-actual.


Learn more about change management

Change Management and Change Control are huge knowledge areas in the field of Information Systems and Computer/Network Security.

This document is by no means a comprehensive list on what you should do when performing an upgrade, with either Fortinet or any other technology. It is merely a list of important things you should take into consideration when performing upgrades which are the result of years of experience dealing with changes on critical environments, as it is common that security devices are protecting critical applications and processes.

There are vast resources on the topic: books, public white papers, blog entries, etc. If you search the Internet for the “Change Control Best Practices” or “Change Management Best Practices” you will get many interesting documents.

Changes on production IT infrastructure are critical to the business. Make sure they play in your favor and not against you.

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