GUI Refresh

GUI Refresh

The FortGate GUI now uses a new flat GUI design and framework that incorporates a simplified and modern look and feel. In addition to the new look, options have been moved around on the GUI menus:

  • New Dashboard and FortiView top level menus.
  • New top level Network menu includes networking features such as interfaces, DNS, explicit proxy, packet capture, WAN links (WAN load balancing), static routing, policy routing, dynamic routing (RIP, OSPF, BGP) and multicast routing.
  • New top level Monitor menu collects monitoring functions previously distributed throughout the GUI.Some former monitoring features, such as security profile-related monitoring, are now available in FortiView.
  • The GUI menu now has two levels only. For example the menu path for accessing IPv4 firewall policies is Policy & Objects > IPv4.
  • The new administrator’s menu (upper right) provides quick access to change the administrator’s password , backup the FortiGate configuration, access the CLI console and log out.
  • Most individual GUI pages have also been enhanced with new view options and more information.
  • Some functionality has moved around in the GUI. For example, Proxy Options and SSL/SSH Inspection moved from Policy & Objects to Security Profiles.
FortiOS 5_4_0 New GUI

FortiOS 5_4_0 New GUI

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