Category Archives: FortiWAN

FortiWAN Function Status

Function Status

This report category is the function to monitor the status of FortiWAN’s major functions for a long period. Long term statistics of function status is helpful to administrators. This category can further be divided into Connection Limit, Firewall, Virtual Server and Multihoming.

Connection Limit

To prevent network congestion, FortiWAN’s Connection Limit function limits the number of connections from each source IP. A Connection Limit event means the number of connections from a given source IP has exceeded the limit (See “Connection Limit”). Reports produces a summary report for Connection Limit events.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”). Statistics Table

  • List the Source IP generating the most accesses while connections exceeding the limit, sorted by the volume of Drops in declining order.
  • Source IP: The IP address generating connections exceeding the limit. l Drops: The counts of denied access (try to construct new connection) while the connections exceeding the limit.


Firewall is the most popular tool to control network access and deny illegal access. FortiWAN’s Firewall function limits network access by service, source IP and/or destination IP. A Firewall event means that network access has been denied according to the Firewall rules (See “Firewall”). Reports produces a summary report for Firewall events.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

Function Status

Statistics Table

  • Lists the Service, Source IP and Destination IP of denied network access, sorted by the volume of Drops in declining order.
  • Service: The Service of denied access. l Source IP: The Source IP address of denied access. l Destination IP: The Destination IP address of denied access. l Drops: The counts of denied access.

Virtual Server

FortiWAN’s Virtual Server function the linking of multiple servers in an internal (or private) network to external network (public) IP addresses. It is usually used to share multiple servers with single public IP addresses – a simple server load balancing application (See “Virtual Server & Server Load Balancing”). Reports produces a summary and detailed report for Virtual Server.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”). Statistics Table

  • Lists the Virtual Server IP (Service) and count of access, sorted by the Server IP (default). l WAN IP: the public IP address for external users to access the virtual server. l WAN Service: the service for external users to access the virtual server. l Server IP: the IP address of the Virtual Server. l Server Service: the service ran on the virtual server. l Requests: the count of accessing this Server Service ran on the Virtual Server IP from the WAN IP address.
  • Note: Select “WAN IP”, “WAN Service”, “Server IP” and “Server Service” as primary sorting via clicking on the column title. A “▲” or “▼” is shown aside the column header while the column is selected as primary sorting, e.g. Server IP ▲. The sorting order will be switched by clicking on the same column header.


FortiWAN’s Multihoming function performs load balancing and fault tolerance between WAN links for inbound traffic. Users from the public network are told dynamically by FortiWAN the best available WAN link to access in order to reach specific resources on the internal network (See “Inbound Load Balancing and Failover (Multihoming)”). Reports produces a summary and detailed report for Multihoming.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”). Statistics Table

  • Lists the Domain Name and the count of the number of times this domain was accessed, sorted by the FQDN


  • FQDN: the domain name configured on FortiWAN. Select “FQDN” as primary sorting via clicking on the column title “FQDN”.
  • WAN: which WAN links this FQDN was accessed through. Select “WAN” as primary sorting via clicking on the column title “WAN”.
  • WAN IP: the WAN IP address in this FQDN accessed through the WAN link. Select “WAN IP” as primary sorting via clicking on the column title “WAN IP”.
  • Access: the counts of accessing this domain by external users via the WAN IP address.
  • Note: Select “FQDN”, “WAN” and “WAN IP” as primary sorting via clicking on the column title. A “▲” or “▼” is shown aside the column header while the column is selected as primary sorting, e.g. FQDN ▲. The sorting order will be switched by clicking on the same column header.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

FortiWAN Traffic Rate Report

Traffic Rate

This report shows the statistics of traffic passed through FortiWAN by Traffic Rate.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

Bandwidth Distribution:

  • X axis: Time between 00:00 to 23:59 (of a selected date). Days from start to end if Date Range specified (max 90 days). l Y axis: Bandwidth in Kbps or Mbps. l Green indicates inbound data rate. l Blue indicates outbound data rate.
  • Clicking on Both, In or Out buttons at the right upper corner of the graph allows you to see bandwidth distribution in different directions:
  • Both: Displays both inbound and outbound bandwidth distribution. l In: Displays only inbound bandwidth distribution. l Out: Displays only outbound bandwidth distribution. l Moving the mouse over the graph will display time, date and corresponding traffic distribution.

Statistics Table:

  • List the average inbound and outbound traffic rate distributed by the date range defined. This is the numerical presentation of the same information in the Bandwidth Distribution Charts.
  • Time: The time periods or date ranges defined. l Inbound bps: The inbound traffic rate in the time periods or date ranges. l Outbound bps: The outbound traffic rate in the time periods or date ranges.


Function Status

Drill in:

  • Clicking the magnifier icon located under the “Drill in” column in the statistics table allows you to perform an additional ‘drill-down’ analysis on traffic for the selected Time period , shown by In Class, Out Class, WAN, Service, Internal IP, External IP, Internal Group and External Group via the selected Time period:
  • In Class – In Classes that are associated within this time period. l Out Class – Out Classes that are associated within this time period. l WAN – WAN links that traffic passed through within this time period. l Service – Services (L3-L7) that are associated within this time period. l Internal IP – Any monitored internal IP addresses that are associated within this time period. l External IP – Any monitored external IP addresses that are associated within this time period.
  • Internal Group – Any monitored internal IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the internal IP addresses are associated within this time period.
  • External Group – Any monitored external IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the external IP addresses are associated within this time period.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

FortiWAN Internal IP Report

Internal IP

This report shows the statistics of traffic passed through FortiWAN by Internal IP addresses.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

  • Pie Chart: Pie chart of traffic statistics is generated based on traffic incurred (as a source or termination) by Internal IP addresses.
  • Bar Chart: Bar chart statistics show the actual data volume used by the top 10 Internal IP addresses.
  • Statistics Table:
  • List the Internal IP addresses generating (as a source or termination) the most traffic. l IP: The Internal IP addresses. l Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Internal IP addresses. l Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Internal IP addresses. l Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Internal IP addresses (Inbound Bytes + Outbound Bytes).
  • Note: Select “Inbound Bytes”, “Outbound Bytes” or “Total Bytes” as primary sorting by clicking on the column title. A “▲” is shown aside the column header while the column is selected as primary sorting, e.g. Inbound Bytes ▲.
  • % Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Internal IP addresses in %. l % Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Internal IP addresses in %. l % Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Internal IP addresses in %.
  • Only one of the three statistics data (% Inbound Bytes, % Outbound Bytes, or % Total Bytes) will be displayed in the statistics table depending on the primary sort column.
  • This page and this table describe total traffic volume, not traffic rate. Data transferred are measured in KBytes, MBytes or GBytes over the period of time selected.
  • Drill in (See “Drill In”):
  • Clicking the magnifier icon located under the “Drill in” column in the statistics table allows you to perform an additional ‘drill-down’ analysis on traffic for the selected Internal IP address, shown by In Class, Out Class, WAN, Service, External IP, Internal Group, External Group and Traffic Rate (Trend) via the selected Internal IP address:
  • In Class – In Classes that are associated with this Internal IP address. l Out Class – Out Classes that are associated with this Internal IP address.
  • WAN – WAN links that are associated with this Internal IP address. l Service – Services (L3-L7) that are associated with this Internal IP address. l External IP – Any monitored external IP addresses that are associated with this Internal IP address.
  • Internal Group – Any monitored internal IP group (set up under the Settings menu) where this Internal IP address belongs to.
  • External Group – Any monitored external IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the external IP addresses are associated with this Internal IP address. l Traffic Rate: bandwidth distribution generated by this Internal IP address by the date range defined.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

FortiWAN Services Report


This report shows the statistics of traffic passed through FortiWAN by various services.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

  • Pie Chart: Pie chart of traffic statistics is generated based on the traffic incurred by Services. l Bar Chart: Bar chart statistics show the actual data volume used by the top 10 Services.
  • Statistics Table:
  • List the Services generating (as a source or termination) the most traffic. l Service: The Service that traffic passed through FortiWAN. l Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Service. l Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Service. l Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Service (Inbound Bytes + Outbound Bytes).
  • Note: Select “Inbound Bytes”, “Outbound Bytes” or “Total Bytes” as primary sorting by clicking on the column title. A “▲” is shown aside the column header while the column is selected as primary sorting, e.g. Inbound Bytes ▲.
  • % Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Service in %. l % Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Service in %. l % Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Service in %.
  • Only one of the three statistics data (% Inbound Bytes, % Outbound Bytes, or % Total Bytes) will be displayed in the statistics table depending on the primary sort column.
  • This page and this table describe total traffic volume, not traffic rate. Data transferred are measured in KBytes, MBytes or GBytes over the period of time selected.
  • Drill in (See “Drill In”):
  • Clicking the magnifier icon located under the “Drill in” column in the statistics table allows you to perform an additional ‘drill-down’ analysis on traffic for the selected service, shown by In Class, Out Class, WAN,

Internal IP, External IP, Internal Group, External Group and Traffic Rate (Trend) via the selected service:

  • In Class – In Classes where this Service traffic is classified into. l Out Class – Out Classes where this Service traffic is classified into. l WAN – WAN links that this Service traffic passed through. l Internal IP – Any monitored internal IP addresses that are associated with this Service. l External IP – Any monitored external IP addresses that are associated with this Service.
  • Internal Group – Any monitored internal IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the internal IP addresses are associated with this Service.
  • External Group – Any monitored external IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the external IP addresses are associated with this Service. l Traffic Rate: bandwidth distribution generated by this Service by the date range defined.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

FortiWAN WAN Report


This report shows the statistics of traffic passed through FortiWAN via the WAN Links.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

  • Pie Chart: Pie chart of traffic statistics is generated based on WAN links defined on FortiWAN. l Bar Chart: Bar chart statistics show the actual data volume used by the top 10 WAN links.
  • Statistics Table :
  • List the WAN links on the FortiWAN that traffic passed through.
  • WAN: The WAN links defined on the FortiWAN. l Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the WAN links. l Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the WAN links.


  • Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the WAN links (Inbound Bytes + Outbound Bytes).
  • Note: Select “Inbound Bytes”, “Outbound Bytes” or “Total Bytes” as primary sorting by clicking on the column title. A “▲” is shown aside the column header while the column is selected as primary sorting, e.g. Inbound Bytes ▲.
  • % Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the WAN links in %. l % Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the WAN links in %. l % Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the WAN links in %.
  • Only one of the three statistics data (% Inbound Bytes, % Outbound Bytes, or % Total Bytes) will be displayed in the statistics table depending on the primary sort column.
  • This page and this table describe total traffic volume, not traffic rate. Data transferred are measured in KBytes, MBytes or GBytes over the period of time selected.
  • Drill in (See “Drill In”):
  • Clicking the magnifier icon located under the “Drill in” column in the statistics table allows you to perform an additional ‘drill-down’ analysis on traffic for the selected WAN link, shown by In Class, Out Class, Service,

Internal IP, External IP, Internal Group, External Group and Traffic Rate (Trend) via the selected WAN link:

  • In Class – In Classes that traffic is passed through this WAN link. l Out Class – Out Classes that traffic is passed through this WAN link. l Service – Services (L3-L7) that traffic is passed through this WAN link. l Internal IP – Any monitored internal IP addresses that traffic is passed through this WAN link. l External IP – Any monitored external IP addresses that traffic is passed through this WAN link.
  • Internal Group – Any monitored internal IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that traffic is passed through this WAN link.
  • External Group – Any monitored external IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that traffic is passed through this WAN link. l Traffic Rate: bandwidth distribution generated by this WAN link by the date range defined.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

FortiWAN Outclass Report


This report shows the statistics of each outbound class as defined in FortiWAN’s Bandwidth Management function (See “Bandwidth Management”). Each class is a classification (by service, by IP address and etc.) of outgoing traffic passed through FortiWAN.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

  • Pie Chart: Pie chart of traffic statistics is generated based on Outbound Classes of FortiWAN’s Bandwidth Management.
  • Bar Chart: Bar chart statistics show the actual data volume used by the top 10 Outbound Classes.

Statistics Table:

  • List the Outbound Class the most traffic being classified into. l Out Class: The Outbound Classes defined in FortiWAN. l Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Outbound Classes. l Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Outbound Classes. l Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Outbound Classes (Inbound Bytes + Outbound Bytes).
  • Note: Select “Inbound Bytes”, “Outbound Bytes” or “Total Bytes” as primary sorting by clicking on the column title. A “▲” is shown aside the column header while the column is selected as primary sorting, e.g. Inbound Bytes ▲.
  • % Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Outbound Classes in %. l % Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Outbound Classes in %. l % Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Outbound Classes in %.
  • Only one of the three statistics data (% Inbound Bytes, % Outbound Bytes, or % Total Bytes) will be displayed in the statistics table depending on the primary sort column.
  • This page and this table describe total traffic volume, not traffic rate. Data transferred are measured in KBytes, MBytes or GBytes over the period of time selected.
  • Drill in (See “Drill In”):
  • Clicking the magnifier icon located under the “Drill in” column in the statistics table allows you to perform an additional ‘drill-down’ analysis on traffic for the selected policy Out Class, shown by In Class, WAN, Service, Internal IP, External IP, Internal Group, External Group and Traffic Rate (Trend) via the selected policy Out Class:
  • In Class – In Classes that are associated with this Out Class. l WAN – WAN links that are associated with this Out Class. l Service – Services (L3-L7) that are associated with this Out Class. l Internal IP – Any monitored internal IP addresses that are associated with this Out Class. l External IP – Any monitored external IP addresses that are associated with this Out Class.
  • Internal Group – Any monitored internal IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the internal IP addresses are associated with this Out Class.
  • External Group – Any monitored external IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the external IP addresses are associated with this Out Class. l Traffic Rate: bandwidth distribution generated by this Out Class by the date range defined.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

FortiWAN Inclass Report


This report shows the statistics of each inbound class as defined in FortiWAN’s Bandwidth Management function (See “Bandwidth Management”). Each class is a classification (by service, by IP address and etc.) of incoming traffic passed through FortiWAN. This statistic will help you realize if the Bandwidth Management policies of FortiWAN are running well, or if any adjustment is necessary for the specified bandwidth class.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

  • Pie Chart: Pie chart of traffic statistics is generated based on Inbound Classes of FortiWAN’s Bandwidth Management.
  • Bar Chart: Bar chart statistics show the actual data volume used by the top 10 Inbound Classes.

Statistics Table:

  • List the Inbound Class the most traffic being classified into. l In Class: The Inbound Classes defined in FortiWAN. l Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Inbound classes. l Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Inbound Classes. l Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Inbound Classes (Inbound Bytes + Outbound Bytes).
  • Note: Select “Inbound Bytes”, “Outbound Bytes” or “Total Bytes” as primary sorting by clicking on the column title. A “▲” is shown aside the column header while the column is selected as primary sorting, e.g. Inbound Bytes ▲.
  • % Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Inbound Classes in %. l % Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Inbound Classes in %. l % Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Inbound Classes in %.
  • Only one of the three statistics data (% Inbound Bytes, % Outbound Bytes, or % Total Bytes) will be displayed in the statistics table depending on the primary sort column.
  • This page and this table describe total traffic volume, not traffic rate. Data transferred are measured in KBytes, MBytes or GBytes over the period of time selected.
  • Drill in (See “Drill In”):
  • Clicking the magnifier icon located under the “Drill in” column in the statistics table allows you to perform an additional ‘drill-down’ analysis on traffic for the selected In Class, shown by Out Class, WAN, Service, Internal IP, External IP, Internal Group, External Group and Traffic Rate (Trend) via the selected policy In Class:
  • Out Class – Out Classes that are associated with this In Class.
  • WAN – WAN links that are associated with this In Class. l Service – Services (L3-L7) that are associated with this In Class. l Internal IP – Any monitored internal IP addresses that are associated with this In Class. l External IP – Any monitored external IP addresses that are associated with this In Class.
  • Internal Group – Any monitored internal IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the internal IP addresses are associated with this In Class.
  • External Group – Any monitored external IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the external IP addresses are associated with this In Class. l Traffic Rate: bandwidth distribution generated by this In Class by the date range defined.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

FortiWAN Bandwidth Usage Report

Bandwidth Usage

This report category is the core function of the Reports and also serves as the basis for traffic analysis to gain insights for better policy management. This category can further be divided into In Class, Out Class, WAN, Service, Internal IP and Traffic Rate.

The Bandwidth Usage Report includes: Charts (upper) and Statistics Table (lower).

Pie Charts display respective percentage of all the traffic patterns that sorted (default) by the total data volume (IN

+ OUT) shown on the page. The Pie Charts display will change depending upon which column in the Statistics Table is selected for primary sorting. This Pie Chart shows the percentage of the traffic pattern of the top 10 items only, which might not match the percentage value listed in the Statistics Table. Use it only as a visual reference to see who the major users are.

  • Bar Charts illustrate the total volume of each traffic pattern shown on the page, and the percentage of each traffic pattern out of total traffic. The Bar Chart display will change depending upon which column in the Statistics Table is selected for primary sorting.
  • The Statistics Table is the numerical presentation of the same information illustrated in the Pie chart and Bar Charts. The traffic statistics includes information of total traffic, inbound traffic, outbound traffic and percentage of total traffic. l Inbound Bytes: The volume of traffic originating from outside of FortiWAN, going into the internal network. l Outbound Bytes: The volume of traffic originating from inside of FortiWAN, going to the external network. l Total Bytes: (Default primary sorting) The volume of total traffic = Inbound Bytes + Outbound Bytes.

The statistics table lists 10, 20, 50 or 100 entries sorted by default in declining order by total data volume. By default the first screen shows the top 10 entries, but navigation buttons and a direct-entry page box at the lower right corner of the screen allow you to examine all items found. The default number of rows to be listed on the report page can be defined in account settings.

The Statistics Table may be re-sorted by Inbound Bytes, Outbound Bytes or Total Bytes, by selecting the appropriate column header. The Pie and Bar charts will reformat to reflect the selected traffic measurement.

Note that the percentage of total traffic shown in the Statistics Table may not be the same as that shown on the Pie Chart. The Statistics Table shows the percentage of total traffic in all traffic patterns, while the Pie Chart only shows the total of the top 10 traffic users.

See also:

  • Report: Inclass l Report: Outclass l Report: Service l Report: WAN
  • Report: Internal IP l Report: Traffic Rate

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!