Managing a FortiAP with FortiCloud

Managing a FortiAP with FortiCloud

This chapter provides a few FortiCloud-managed FortiAP configuration examples.

FortiCloud-managed FortiAP WiFi

FortiCloud-managed FortiAP WiFi without a key

You can register for a free FortiCloud account at

For a video tutorial of how to configure and manage a FortiAP-S device from FortiCloud, follow the link below:

l How to configure and Manage FortiAP-S from FortiCloud

FortiCloud-managed FortiAP WiFi

In this example, you use FortiCloud to configure a single FortiAP-221C, creating a working WiFi network without a FortiGate.

FortiCloud remote management is supported on FortiAP models 221C and 320C.

For this configuration, the FortiAP-221C unit is running version 5.2 firmware. You will create a simple network that uses WPA-Personal authentication.

You can register for a free FortiCloud account at

To create the WiFi network without a FortiGate unit, you must:

l Add your FortiAP to FortiCloud l Configure the SSID l Configure the AP platform profile l Deploy the AP with the profile

Adding your FortiAP to FortiCloud

You need to add the FortiAP unit to your FortiCloud account. This is done through a unique key that can be found under the FortiAP unit.

To add a FortiAP to FortiCloud

  1. Connect the FortiAP Ethernet interface to a network that provides access to the Internet.
  2. Open a web browser and navigate to the FortiCloud main page and select + AP Network.
  3. Enter an AP Network Name and AP Password. This password is used to locally log in to the AP as the administrator. It will be set to all APs in this AP network.
  4. Set the correct Time Zone and select Submit.

Configuring the SSID

You must establish the SSID (network interface) for the WiFi network.

153 FortiOS™ Handbook – FortiWiFi and FortiAP Configuration Guide Fortinet Technologies Inc.

Managing a FortiAP with FortiCloud                                                    FortiCloud-managed FortiAP WiFi without a key

To configure the SSID

  1. Select the FortiAP you just created from the home page. You will then be prompted to add an SSID for the AP Network.

In the interface, this is under Configure > SSIDs.

  1. In Access Control, enter the name of your SSID, set Authentication to WPA2-Personal, enter the Preshared Key, and select Next.
  2. In Security, enable security features as required (select from AntiVirus, Intrusion Prevention, Block Botnet, Web Access, and Application Control) and select Next.
  3. In Availability, make sure to leave 5 GHz enabled, configure a schedule as required, and select Next.
  4. Review your SSID in Preview, then select Apply.

Configuring the AP platform profile

The radio portion of the FortiAP configuration is contained in the FortiAP platform profile. By default, there is a profile for each platform (FortiAP model). The SSID needs to be specified in the profile.

To configure the AP profile

  1. Go to Configure > AP Profile and edit the AP Profile for your FortiAP model (mouse-over the AP Profile to reveal the Edit button).
  2. Enable the SSID configured earlier for both Radio 1 and Radio 2, for 5GHz coverage.

Deploying the AP with the platform profile

With the SSID and platform profile configured, you must deploy the AP by entering the FortiCloud key for the FortiAP.

To deploy the AP

  1. Go to Configure > Deploy APs. Here you will be prompted to enter the FortiCloud key, which can be found on the same label as the FortiAP unit’s serial number, and select Submit.

If you have a FortiAP model that does not include a FortiCloud key, you can still add the device to the network. To learn how, see the FortiCloud-managed FortiAP WiFi without a key configuration.

  1. In Set Platform Profiles, select the platform profile you created earlier and select Next.
  2. Follow the rest of the deployment wizard. Select Submit when completed.

You will now be able to connect to the wireless network and browse the Internet. On the FortiCloud website, go to Monitor > Report where you can view monitoring information such as Traffic by Period, Client Count by Period, and more.

FortiCloud-managed FortiAP WiFi without a key

You can manage your FortiAP-based wireless network with FortiCloud even if your FortiAP has no FortiCloud key.

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Fortinet Technologies Inc.

FortiCloud-managed FortiAP WiFi without a key                                                    Managing a FortiAP with FortiCloud

For this example, you will need to have already pre-configured your FortiAP unit with your FortiCloud account credentials. For more information on how to do this, or if your FortiAP has a FortiCloud key (on the serial number label), see the FortiCloud-managed FortiAP WiFi configuration.

You can register for a free FortiCloud account at

To create the WiFi network without a FortiCloud key, you must:

l Configure the FortiAP unit l Add the FortiAP unit to your FortiCloud account l Configure the FortiAP

Configuring the FortiAP unit

You need to connect and configure the FortiAP unit through the web-based manager of the FortiGate.

To configure the FortiAP unit – web-based manager

  1. Connect your computer to the FortiAP Ethernet port. The FortiAP’s default IP address is The computer should have an address on the same subnet, for example.
  2. Using a browser, log in to the FortiAP as admin. Leave the password field empty.
  3. In WTP-Configuration, select FortiCloud and enter your FortiCloud credentials. Select Apply.

The FortiAP is now ready to connect to FortiCloud via the Internet.

Adding the FortiAP unit to your FortiCloud account

The FortiAP must be added to the FortiCloud account that has a WiFi network already configured for it.

For an example of creating a WiFi network on FortiCloud, see FortiCloud-managed FortiAP WiFi on page 153.

To add the FortiAP to FortiCloud

  1. Connect the FortiAP Ethernet cable to a network that connects to the Internet.

Restore your computer to its normal network configuration and log on to FortiCloud.

  1. From the Home screen, go to Inventory > AP Inventory. Your FortiAP should be listed.
  2. Then go back to the Home screen, select your AP network, and go to Deploy APs.
  3. Select your listed FortiAP and select Next.
  4. Make sure your platform profile is selected from the dropdown menu, and select Next.
  5. In Preview, select Deploy.

The device will now appear listed under Access Points.

You will now be able to connect to the wireless network and browse the Internet. On the FortiCloud website, go to Monitor > Report where you can view monitoring information such as Traffic by Period, Client Count by Period, and more.

155 FortiOS™ Handbook – FortiWiFi and FortiAP Configuration Guide Fortinet Technologies Inc.


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About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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