Traffic Shaper Monitor

Traffic Shaper Monitor

You can view statistical information about traffic shapers and their bandwidth from FortiView > Traffic Shaping.

Refresh the information on the page.

Table View shows the following columns by default: Shaper, Bytes (Sent/Received), Sessions, Bandwidth, or Dropped Bytes. For more display options, right-click on the column header.

Bubble Chart shows you which resources consume the most bandwidth. Double-click on a shaper to view more details. Determine whether more granular shaping is required by looking at the bandwidth usage by sources, destinations, applications, policies, and sessions.


FortiView Settings include the following options:

  • Include Local traffic (Realtime Only)
  • Include Unscanned Applications (Applications View Only)
  • Auto update realtime visualizations
  • Interval (seconds)
  • Threat Weight Settings



While it is possible to configure QoS using a combination of security policies and ToS based priorities, and to distribute traffic over all six of the possible queues for each physical interface, the results of those configurations can be more difficult to analyze due to their complexity. In those cases, prioritization behavior can vary by several factors, including traffic volume, ToS (type of service) or differentiated services markings, and correlation of session to a security policy.

The following simple examples illustrate QoS configurations using either prioritization by security policy, or prioritization by ToS bit, but not both. The examples also assume you are not configuring traffic shaping for interfaces that receive hardware acceleration from network processing units (NPU).

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