Policy Monitor

Policy Monitor

Once policies have been configured and enabled it is useful to be able to monitor them. To get an overview about what sort of traffic the policies are processing go to Policy > Monitor > Policy Monitor.

The window is separated into two panes.


Upper Pane

The upper pane displays a horizontal bar graph comparing the Top Policy Usage based on one of the following criteria:

  • Active Sessions
  • Bytes
  • Packets

The criteria that the displayed graph is based on can be selected from the drop down menu in the upper right corner of the pane. The field name is Report By:.

The bars of the graph are interactive to an extent and can be used to drill down for more specific information. If you hover the cursor over the bar of the graph a small popup box will appear displaying more detailed information. If the bar of the graph is selected an entirely new window will be displayed using a vertical bar graph to divide the data that made up the first graph by IP address.

For example if the first graph was reporting usage by active sessions it would include a bar for each of the top policies with a number at the end showing how many sessions were currently going through that policy. If one of the bars of the graph was then selected the new bar graph would show the traffic of that policy separated by either Source Address, Destination Address or Destination Port. As in the other window, the selection for the reported criteria is in the upper right corner of the pane. If the parameter was by source address there would be a bar for each of the IP addresses sending a session through the policy and the end of the bar would show how many sessions.

To go back to the previous window of information in the graphs select the Return link in the upper left of the pane.


Lower Pane

The lower pane contains a spreadsheet of the information that the bar graph will derive their information from. The column headings will include:

  • Policy ID
  • Source Interface/Zone
  • Destination Interface/Zone
  • Action
  • Active Sessions
  • Bytes
  • Packets


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