Troubleshooting certificates

Troubleshooting certificates

There are times when there are problems with certificates — a certificate is seen as expired when its not, or it can’t be found. Often the problem is with a third party web site, and not FortiOS. However, some problems can be traced back to FortiOS such as DNS or routing issues.


Certificate is reported as expired when it is not

Certificates often are issued for a set period of time such as a day or a month, depending on their intended use. This ensures everyone is using up-to-date certificates. It is also more difficult for hackers to steal and use old certificates.

Reasons a certificate may be reported as expired include:

  • It really has expired based on the “best before” date in the certificate
  • The FortiGate unit clock is not properly set. If the FortiGate clock is fast, it will see a certificate as expired before the expiry date is really here.
  • The requesting server clock is not properly set. A valid example is if your certificate is 2 hours from expiring, a server more than two time zones away would see the certificate as expired. Otherwise, if the server’s clock is set wrongly it will also have the same effect.
  • The certificate was revoked by the issuer before the expiry date. This may happen if the issuer believes a certificate was either stolen or misused. Its possible it is due to reasons on the issuer’s side, such as a system change or such. In either case it is best to contact the certificate issuer to determine what is happening and why.


A secure connection cannot be completed (Certificate cannot be found)

Everyone who uses a browser has encountered a message such as This connection is untrusted. Normally when you try to connect securely to a web site, that web site will present its valid certificate to prove their identity is valid. When the web site’s certificate cannot be verified as valid, the message appears stating This connection is untrusted or something similar. If you usually connect to this web site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate or hijack the web site, and best practices dictates you not continue.


Reasons a web site’s certificate cannot be validated include:

  • The web site uses an unrecognized self-signed certificate. These are not secure because anyone can sign them. If you accept self-signed certificates you do so at your own risk. Best practices dictate that you must confirm the ID of the web site using some other method before you accept the certificate.
  • The certificate is valid for a different domain. A certificate is valid for a specific location, domain, or sub-section of a domain such as one certificate for that is not valid for If you encounter this problem, contact the webmaster for the web site to inform them of the problem.
  • There is a DNS or routing problem. If the web site’s certificate cannot be verified, it will not be accepted. Generally to be verified, your system checks with the third party certificate signing authority to verify the certificate is valid. If you cannot reach that third party due to some DNS or routing error, the certificate will not be verified.
  • Firewall is blocking required ports. Ensure that any firewalls between the requesting computer and the web site allow the secure traffic through the firewall. Otherwise a hole must be opened to allow it through. This includes ports such as 443 (HTTPS) and 22 (SSH).

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