Fortinet Acquires AccelOps

In case you guys didn’t know already Fortinet has bought, or acquired, or whatever we want to call it,AccelOps. Here is an excerpt from their blog post.

One of the biggest security challenges organizations face is being able to see enough of the network to identify today’s most advanced, multi-vector threats. Ideally, you need to be able to see across the distributed network, including cloud deployments and devices from multiple network and security vendors, correlate detected local activity with global threat intelligence and expected behaviors, and coordinate a response across the entire portfolio of installed security solutions.

This becomes increasingly challenging as networks continue to expand beyond the perimeter and embrace increasing numbers of devices and applications. As the network expands, the attack surface naturally expands with it. At the same time, new threats are targeting this distributed network architecture. Mobility, IoT, virtualization, big data, and the cloud aren’t only transforming businesses. They are being specifically targeted, which is a game changer for security as well. For example, it is estimated that by 2020 over 25% of attacks on enterprises will involve IoT.

If you are interested in reading more please CLICK HERE

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