I really despise Sonic Wall

Sometimes, after a long day of work, the need to vent is so powerful that you can’t overcome it. Well, today is one of those days so I figured I would bless you guys with a little bit of information. If you use a Dell Sonic Wall…..I pity you for you know not what you do….These devices are horrible. Absolutely horrible. Go buy a FortiGate, or hell, a Palo Alto even just to stay away from these things. I seriously almost shot one today with a Springfield Armory XDS 45 ACP. It would have caused and incredibly warm feeling, like that of morphine flowing through your veins, to be experienced by myself. Speaking of which, I will be filming myself shooting AND blowing up some competitor hardware as I remove them from the client’s offices. I thought you guys might get a kick out of that and lets face it, as soon as I figure out the logistics with doing it legally, I too, will enjoy it. Keep your eyes open for some Fortinet GURU how to videos. Going to start with videos based on the Cook Book, but with better explanations than what Fortinet provided and then I will move on to tasks and encounters I have seen in the field.

Remember kids, friends don’t let friends buy SonicWall.

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