Archiving Email

Archiving email

You can archive email messages according to various criteria and reasons. For example, you may want to archive email sent by certain senders or email contains certain words.

This section contains the following topics:

  • Email archiving workflow
  • Configuring email archiving accounts
  • Configuring email archiving policies
  • Configuring email archiving exemptions

Email archiving workflow

To use the email archiving feature, you must do the following:

  1. Create email archive accounts to send archived email to. See “Configuring email archiving accounts” on page 656.

Starting from version 4.2, you can create multiple archive accounts and send different categories of email to different accounts. For the maximum number of archive accounts you can create, see “Appendix B: Maximum Values Matrix” on page 726.

  1. Create email archive policies or exemption policies to specify the archiving criteria. See “Configuring email archiving policies” on page 660 and “Configuring email archiving exemptions” on page 662. Or, when creating antispam action profiles and content action profiles, choose to archive email as one of the actions. See “Configuring antispam profiles and antispam action profiles” on page 503 and “Configuring content profiles and content action profiles” on page 526.
  2. Assign the administrator account access privilege to the email archive. See “Configuring administrator accounts and access profiles” on page 289.
  3. You can search or view the archived email as the FortiMail administrator. See “Managing archived email” on page 203. You can also access email archives remotely through IMAP. See “Configuring email archiving accounts” on page 656.

Configuring email archiving accounts

Before you can archive email, you need to set up and enable email archiving accounts, as described below. The archived emails will be stored in the archiving accounts. You can create multiple archive accounts and send different categories of email to different accounts. For the maximum number of archive accounts you can create, see “Appendix B: Maximum Values Matrix” on page 726.

When email is archived, you can view and manage the archived email messages. For more information, see “Managing archived email” on page 203. You can also access the email archive remotely through IMAP.

To access this part of the web UI, your administrator account’s:

  • Domain must be System
  • access profile must have Read or Read-Write permission to the Others category

For details, see “About administrator account permissions and domains” on page 290.

Page 656

To enable and configure an email archive account

  1. Go to Email Archiving > Archive Accounts > Archive Accounts.

Figure 293:Managing email archive accounts

GUI item Description
Status Select to enable an email archiving account. Clear the check box to disable it.
Account Lists email archive accounts.
Index Type Indicates if archive indexing is in use and how much is indexed. Indexing speeds up content searches. The choices are:

•      None: email is not indexed.

•      Header: email headers are indexed.

•      Full: the entire message is indexed.

Storage Indicates the type of archive storage: Local or Remote.
(Green dot in column heading) Indicates whether the archive is currently referred to by an archive policy. If so, a red dot appears in this column and the entry cannot be deleted.
  1. Click New to create an account or double-click an account to modify it.

A multisection dialog appears.

Figure 294:Configuring email archive accounts

  1. Configure the following sections, and click Create.
    • “Configuring account settings”
    • “Configuring rotation settings”
    • “Configuring destination settings”

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