Basic DLP filter types

Basic DLP filter types

File type and name

A file type filter allows you to block, allow, log, or quarantine based on the file type specified in the file filter list.

To configure file type and name filtering using the CLI:

  1. Create a file pattern to filter files based on the file name patter or file type:

config dlp filepattern edit <filepatern_entry_integer> set name <string> config entries edit <file pattern> set filter-type <type | pattern> set file-type <file type>





For example, to filter for GIFs and PDFs:

config dlp filepattern edit 11 set name “sample_config” config entries edit “*.gif” set filter-type pattern

next edit “pdf” set filter-type type set file-type pdf





  1. Attach the file pattern to a DLP sensor, and specify the protocols and actions:

config dlp sensor edit <string> config filter edit <integer> set name <string>

set proto <smtp | pop3 | imap | http-get | http-post | ftp | nntp | mapi> set filter-by file-type

set file-type 11   <– Previously configured filepattern set action <allow | log-only| block | quarantine-ip>



next end

To configure file type and name filtering using the GUI:

  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Leak Prevention.
  2. Click Create New. The New DLP Sensor page opens.
  3. Click Add Filter in the filter table. The New Filter pane opens.
  4. Set Type to Files and select Specify File Types.
  5. Add file types by clicking in the File Types field and select file types from the side pane.
  6. Add file name patterns by clicking in the File Name Patterns field:
    1. In the side pane that opens, enter the pattern in the search bar.
    2. Click Create.
    3. Select the newly created pattern.

File size

A file size filter checks for files that exceed the specific size, and performs the DLP sensor’s configured action on them.

To configure file size filtering using the CLI:

config dlp sensor edit <string> config filter edit <integer> set name <string> set proto <smtp | pop3 | imap | http-get | http-post | ftp | nntp | mapi> set filter-by file-size <– Match any file over with a size over the threshold

set file-type 11  <– Previously configured filepattern set action <allow | log-only| block | quarantine-ip>





To configure file size filtering using the GUI:

  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Leak Prevention.
  2. Click Create New. The New DLP Sensor page opens.
  3. Click Add Filter in the filter table. The New Filter pane opens.
  4. Set Type to Files and select File size over.
  5. Enter the maximum file size, in kilobytes, in the File size over field, then click OK.

Regular expression

A regular expression filter is used to filter files or messages based on the configured regular expression pattern.

To configure regular expression filtering using the CLI:

config dlp sensor edit <string> config filter edit <integer> set name <string>

set type <file | message>  <– Check contents of a file or of messages, web

pages, etc. set proto <smtp | pop3 | imap | http-get | http-post | ftp | nntp | mapi> set filter-by regexp  <– Use a regular expression to match content set regexp <regexp>  <– Input a regular expression pattern set action <allow | log-only| block | quarantine-ip>





To configure regular expression filtering using the GUI:

  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Leak Prevention.
  2. Click Create New. The New DLP Sensor page opens.
  3. Click Add Filter in the filter table. The New Filter pane opens.
  4. For filtering regular expressions in files, set Type to Files. For filtering in messages, set Type to Messages.
  5. Select RegularExpression.
  6. Enter the regular expression string in the RegularExpression field, then click OK.

Credit card and SSN

The credit card sensor can match the credit card number formats used by American Express, Mastercard, and Visa. It can be used to filter files or messages.

The SSN sensor can be used to filter files or messages for Social Security Numbers.

To configure credit card or SSN filtering using the CLI:

config dlp sensor edit <string> config filter edit <integer> set name <string>

set type <file | message> <– Check contents of a file, or of messages, web

pages, etc. set proto <smtp | pop3 | imap | http-get | http-post | ftp | nntp | mapi> set filter-by < credit-card | ssn >  <– Match credit cards or social security


set action <allow | log-only| block | quarantine-ip>





To configure credit card or SSN filtering using the GUI:

  1. Go to Security Profiles > Data Leak Prevention.
  2. Click Create New. The New DLP Sensor page opens.
  3. Click Add Filter in the filter table. The New Filter pane opens.
  4. For filtering in files, set Type to Files. For filtering in messages, set Type to Messages.
  5. Select Containing.
  6. Select Credit Card # or SSN from the Containing drop-down list, then click OK.
This entry was posted in Administration Guides, FortiGate, FortiOS 6.2 on by .

About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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