Migrating an AWS EC2 NFS-based Deployment in Place

Migrating an AWS EC2 NFS-based Deployment in Place


In this migration method, the production FortiSIEM systems are upgraded in-place, meaning that the production 3.7.x virtual appliance is stopped and used for migrating the CMDB to the 4.2.1 virtual appliance. The advantage of this approach is that no extra hardware is needed, while the disadvantage is extended downtime during the CMDB archive and upgrade process. During this downtime events are not lost but are buffered at the collector. However, incidents are not triggered while events are buffered. Prior to the CDMB upgrade process, you might want to take a snapshot of CMDB to use as a backup if needed.

The steps for this process are:



Upgrading the 3.7.x CMDB to 4.2.1 CMDB

Restoring the Upgraded CMDB in a 4.2.1 Virtual Appliance

Mounting the NFS Storage on Supervisors and Workers

Change the SVN URL and Server IP Address

Change the IP Addresses Associated with Your Virtual Appliances

Registering Workers to the Supervisor

Setting the 4.2.1 SVN Password to the 3.7.x Password



Contact AccelOps Support to reset your license

Take a snapshot of your 3.7.x installation for recovery purposes if needed

Make sure the 3.7.x virtual appliance has Internet access

Download the 4.2.1 migration scripts (ao-db-migration-4.2.1.tar). You will need the Username and Password associated with your AccelOps license to access the scripts.

Upgrading the 3.7.x CMDB to 4.2.1 CMDB

  1. Log in over SSH to your running 3.7.x virtual appliance as root.
  2. Change the directory to /root.
  3. Move or copy the migration script ao-db-migration-4.2.1.tar to /root.
  4. Untar the migration script.
  5. Run ls -al to check that root is the owner of the files ao-db-migration.sh and ao-db-migration-archiver.sh.
  6. For each AccelOps Supervisor, Worker, or Collector node, stop all backend processes by running the phtools
  7. Check the that archive files phoenixdb_migration_* and opt-migration-*.tar were successfully created in the destination directory.
  8. Copy the opt-migration-*.tar file to /root.

This contains various data files outside of CMDB that will be needed to restore the upgraded CMDB.

  1. Run the migration script on the 3.7.x CMDB archive you created in step 7.

The first argument is the location of the archived 3.7.x CMDB, and the second argument is the location where the migrated CMDB file will be kept.

  1. Make sure the migrated files were successfully created.
  2. Copy the migrated CMDB phoenixdb_migration_xyz file to the /root directory of your 4.2.1 virtual appliance This file will be used during the CMDB restoration process.

Restoring the Upgraded CMDB in a 4.2.1 Virtual Appliance

  1. Log in to your 4.2.1 virtual appliance as root.
  2. Change the directory to /opt/phoenix/deployment/.
  3. Run the post-ao-db-migration.sh script with the 3.7.x migration files phoenixdb_migration_xyz and opt-migration-*.ta r.
  4. When the migration script completes the virtual appliance will reboot.

Mounting the NFS Storage on Supervisors and Workers

Follow this process for each Supervisor and Worker in your deployment.

  1. Log in to your virtual appliance as root over SSH.
  2. Run the mount command to check the mount location.
  3. Change to the 3.7.x mount path location in the /etc/fstab file on the Supervisor or Workers.
  4. Reboot the Supervisor or Worker.

Change the SVN URL and Server IP Address

Run these commands.


Change the IP Addresses Associated with Your Virtual Appliances


  1. Log in to the AWS EC2 dashboard.
  2. Click Elastic IPS, and then select the public IP associated with your 4.2.1 virtual appliance.
  3. Click Disassociate Address, and then Yes, Disassociate.
  4. In Elastic IPs, select the IP address associated with your 3.7.x virtual appliance.
  5. Click Disassociate Address, and then Yes, Disassociate.
  6. In Elastic IPs, select the production public IP of your 3.7.x virtual appliance, and click Associate Address to associate it with your 4.2.1 virtual appliance.

The virtual appliance will reboot automatically after the IP address is changed.

Registering Workers to the Supervisor

  1. Log in to the Supervisor as admin.
  2. Go to Admin > License Management.
  3. Under VA Information, click Add, and add the Worker.
  4. Under Admin > Collector Health and Cloud Health, check that the health of the virtual appliances is normal.

Setting the 4.2.1 SVN Password to the 3.7.x Password

  1. Log in to the 4.2.1 Supervisor as root over SSH.
  2. Change the directory to /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox.
  3. Run the SVN password reset script ./phsetsvnpwd.sh
  4. Enter the following full admin credential to reset SVN password

Organization: Super

User: admin


Migration is now complete – Make sure all devices, user created rules, reports, dashboards are migrated successfully


This entry was posted in Administration Guides, FortiSIEM on by .

About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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