FortiWAN Tunnel Status

Tunnel Status

Tunnel Status displays the connectivity of every single GRE tunnel of each tunnel group defined in Service >

Tunnel Routing (see Tunnel Routing) and statistics of the corresponding data transmission

Tunnel Group The drop-down menu lists all the tunnel groups defined in Service > Tunnel Routing. Select the tunnel group for monitoring it. The statistics of the specified tunnel group will be displayed in the Tunnel Health Status table below.
Automatic Refresh Enable automatic refresh by selecting the time interval (Every 3, 6, 9, 15, … Seconds) for refreshing the statistics, or disable it by selecting Disabled. The statistics here will be automatically refreshed periodically if it is enabled.

Tunnel Health Status

This table displays the connectivity and statistics of specified tunnel group in the following four fields.

Tunnel The GRE tunnel defined in the specified tunnel group, represented by the pair of its local and remote IP addresses.
3-Second Statistics Statistics of data transmission through this tunnel in the past 3 seconds, represented by RX Packets, RX Kbps, TX Packets and TX Kbps.
1-Minute Statistics Statistics of data transmission through this tunnel in the past 1 minute, represented by RX Packets, RX Kbps, TX Packets and TX Kbps.

Tunnel Traffic

Status Indicating the connectivity of the tunnel with color schemes:

Green indicates the tunnel is available (OK).

Red indicates the tunnel is unavailable (failed).

Moreover, round trip time (RTT) between the two endpoints of the tunnel is provided here for reference. The RTT will become blank if the tunnel is failed. You can also get the RTT of the tunnel by running Tunnel Routing’s benchmark (see Tunnel Routing – Benchmark).

Default Rule Subnets

This table lists the subnets (in the local and remote sites) that the default rules of the specified tunnel group consist of. See How to set up routing rules for Tunnel Routing for the details of default rule of a tunnel group.

Local Subnets The local subnets (subnets in the local site) of the default routing rules of the specified tunnel group. It will be blank if there is no default rule enabled.
Opposite Subnets The opposite subnets (subnets in the remote site) of the default routing rules of the specified tunnel group. It will be blank if there is no default rule enabled.

The default rule subnets listed here and corresponding page on remote Web UI are supposed to be equal for a tunnel group, just the position is switched. Local subnets here are the opposite subnets for the remote site, and the opposite subnets here are the local subnets for the remote site.

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About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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