DCE-RPC session helper (dcerpc)

DCERPC session helper (dcerpc)

Distributed Computing Environment Remote Procedure Call (DCE-RPC) provides a way for a program running on one host to call procedures in a program running on another host. DCE-RPC (also called MS RPC for Microsoft RPC) is similar to ONC-RPC. Because of the large number of RPC services, for example, MAPI, the transport address of an RPC service is dynamically negotiated based on the service program’s universal unique identifier (UUID). The Endpoint Mapper (EPM) binding protocol in FortiOS maps the specific UUID to a transport address.

To accept DCE-RPC sessions you must add a security policy with service set to any or to the DEC-RPC pre- defined service (which listens on TCP and UDP ports 135). The dcerpc session helper also listens on TCP and UDP ports 135.

The session allows FortiOS to handle DCE-RPC dynamic transport address negotiation and to ensure UUID- based security policy enforcement. You can define a security policy to permit all RPC requests or to permit by specific UUID number.

In addition, because a TCP segment in a DCE-RPC stream might be fragmented, it might not include an intact RPC PDU. This fragmentation occurs in the RPC layer; so FortiOS does not support parsing fragmented packets.

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