IPv6 Configuration

IPv6 Configuration

This section contains configuration information for IPv6 on FortiOS. Attempts are made to include scenarios in each section to better assist with the configuration and to orient the information toward a particular task.

You will find information on the following:

  • IPv6 address groups
  • IPv6 address ranges IPv6 firewall addresses ICMPv6
  • IPv6 IPsec VPN TCP MSS values BGP and IPv6
  • RIPng — RIP and IPv6
  • IPv6 RSSO support
  • IPv6 IPS
  • Blocking IPv6 packets by extension headers
  • IPv6 Denial of Service policies
  • Configure hosts in an SNMP v1/2c community to send queries or receive traps
  • IPv6 PIM sparse mode multicast routing


By default IPv6 configurations do not appear in the web-based manager. You need to enable the feature first.


To enable IPv6:

1. Go to System > Features.

2. Select IPv6 and click Apply.


IPv6 address groups


To create IPv6 address groups from existing IPv6 addresses – web-based manager

Your company has 3 internal servers with IPv6 addresses that it would like to group together for the purposes of a number of policies.

1. Go to Policy & Objects > Addresses and select Create New > Address Group.

2. Select IPv6 Group, and fill out the fields with the following information:

Group Name                              Web_Server_Cluster

Members                                    Web_Server-1



3. Select OK.


To create IPv6 address groups from existing IPv6 addresses – CLI

config firewall addrgrp6 edit Web_Server_Cluster

set member Web_Server-1 Web_Server-2 Web_Server-3 end


To verify that the addresses were added correctly

1. Go to Policy & Objects > Addresses. Check that the addresses have been added to the address list and that they are correct.

2. From the CLI, enter the following commands:

config firewall addgrp6

edit <the name of the address that you wish to verify> Show full-configuration


IPv6 address ranges

You can configure IPv6 address ranges in both the GUI and the CLI.


To configure IPv6 address ranges – web-based manager:

1. Go to Policy & Objects > Addresses.

2. Set the Type to IP Range and enter the IPv6 addresses as shown:


To configure IPv6 address ranges – CLI:

config firewall address6

edit ipv6range

set type iprange

set start-ip 2001:db8:0:2::30 set end-ip 2001:db8:0:2::31



IPv6 firewall addresses


Scenario: Mail Server

You need to create an IPv6 address for the Mail Server on Port1 of your internal network. These server is on the network off of port1.

  • The IP address is 2001:db8:0:2::20/64
  • There should be a tag for this address being for a server.

1. Go to Policy & Objects > Addresses and select Create New > Address.

2. Select IPv6 Address and fill out the fields with the following information

Name                                          Mail_Server

Type                                            Subnet

Subnet / IP Range                     2001:db8:0:2::20/64

3. Select OK.

4. Enter the following CLI command:

config firewall address6 edit Mail_Server

set type ipmask

set subnet 2001:db8:0:2::20/64 set associated-interface port1



Scenario: First Floor Network

You need to create an IPv4 address for the subnet of the internal network off of Port1.These computers connect to port1. The network uses the IPv6 addresses: fdde:5a7d:f40b:2e9d:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx

There should be a reference to this being the network for the 1st floor of the building.

1. Go to Policy & Objects > Addresses.

2. Select Create New > Address.Select IPv6 Address and fill out the fields with the following information:

Name                                           Internal_Subnet_1

Type                                            Subnet / IP Range

Subnet / IP Range                     2001:db8:0:2::/64

Comments                                  Network for 1st Floor

3. Select OK.

4. Enter the following CLI command:

config firewall address6 edit Internal_Subnet_1

set comment “Network for 1st Floor” set subnet 2001:db8:0:2::/64



To verify that the addresses were added correctly:

1. Go to Policy & Objects > Addresses. Check that the addresses have been added to the address list and that they are correct.

2. Enter the following CLI command:

config firewall address6

edit <the name of the address that you wish to verify> Show full-configuration




The IT Manager is doing some diagnostics and would like to temporarily block the successful replies of ICMP Node information Responses between 2 IPv6 networks.

The ICMP type for ICMP Node informations responses is 140. The codes for a successful response is 0.


To configure ICMPv6 – web-based manager:

1. Go to Policy & Objects > Services and select Create New > Service.

2. Fill out the fields with the following information

Name                                           diagnostic-test1

Service Type                              Firewall

Show in Service List                Enabled

Category                                     Uncategorized

Protocol Type                            ICMP6

Type                                            140

3. Select OK.

4. Enter the following CLI command:

config firewall service custom edit diagnostic-test1

set protocol ICMP6 set icmptype 140 set icmpcode 0

set visibility enable end


To verify that the category was added correctly:

1. Go to Policy & Objects > Services. Check that the services have been added to the services list and that they are correct.

2. Enter the following CLI command:

config firewall service custom

edit <the name of the service that you wish to verify>

show full-configuration


IPv6 IPsec VPN

This chapter describes how to configure your FortiGate unit’s IPv6 IPsec VPN functionality.

By default IPv6 configurations do not appear in the web-based manager. You need to enable the feature first.


To enable IPv6:

1. Go to System > Features.

2. Select IPv6 and click Apply.


The topics in this section include:

  • Overview of IPv6 IPsec support
  • Configuring IPv6 IPsec VPNs
  • Site-to-site IPv6 over IPv6 VPN example
  • Site-to-site IPv4 over IPv6 VPN example
  • Site-to-site IPv6 over IPv4 VPN example


Overview of IPv6 IPsec support

FortiOS supports route-based IPv6 IPsec, but not policy-based. This section describes how IPv6 IPsec support differs from IPv4 IPsec support.

Where both the gateways and the protected networks use IPv6 addresses, sometimes called IPv6 over IPv6, you can create either an auto-keyed or manually-keyed VPN. You can also combine IPv6 and IPv4 addressing in an auto-keyed VPN in the following ways:


IPv4 over IPv6                         The VPN gateways have IPv6 addresses.

The protected networks have IPv4 addresses. The phase 2 configurations at either end use IPv4 selectors.


IPv6 over IPv4

The VPN gateways have IPv4 addresses.

The protected networks use IPv6 addresses. The phase 2 configurations at either end use IPv6 selectors.

Compared with IPv4 IPsec VPN functionality, there are some limitations:

  • Except for IPv6 over IPv4, remote gateways with Dynamic DNS are not supported.
  • Selectors cannot be firewall address names. Only IP address, address range and subnet are supported.
  • Redundant IPv6 tunnels are not supported.



On a VPN with IPv6 phase 1 configuration, you can authenticate using VPN certificates in which the common name (cn) is an IPv6 address. The cn-type keyword of the user peer command has an option, ipv6, to support this.


Configuring IPv6 IPsec VPNs

Configuration of an IPv6 IPsec VPN follows the same sequence as for an IPv4 route-based VPN: phase 1 settings, phase 2 settings, security policies, and routing.


Phase 1 configuration

In the web-based manager, you define the Phase 1 as IPv6 in the Advanced settings. Enable the IPv6 Version check box. You can then enter an IPv6 address for the remote gateway.

In the CLI, you define an IPsec phase 1 configuration as IPv6 by setting ip-version to 6. Its default value is 4. Then, the local-gw and remote-gw keywords are hidden and the corresponding local-gw6 and remote- gw6 keywords are available. The values for local-gw6 and remote-gw6 must be IPv6 addresses. For example:

config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit tunnel6

set ip-version 6

set remote-gw6 0:123:4567::1234 set interface port3

set proposal 3des-md5 end


Phase 2 configuration

To create an IPv6 IPsec phase 2 configuration in the web-based manager, you need to define IPv6 selectors in the Advanced settings. Change the default “” address for Source address and Destination address to the IPv6 value “::/0”. If needed, enter specific IPv6 addresses, address ranges or subnet addresses in these fields.

In the CLI, set src-addr-type and dst-addr-type to ip6, range6 or subnet6 to specify IPv6 selectors. By default, zero selectors are entered, “::/0” for the subnet6 address type, for example. The simplest IPv6 phase 2 configuration looks like this:

config vpn ipsec phase2-interface edit tunnel6_p2

set phase1name tunnel6 set proposal 3des-md5

set src-addr-type subnet6 set dst-addr-type subnet6



Security policies

To complete the VPN configuration, you need a security policy in each direction to permit traffic between the protected network’s port and the IPsec interface. You need IPv6 policies unless the VPN is IPv4 over IPv6.



Appropriate routing is needed for both the IPsec packets and the encapsulated traffic within them. You need a route, which could be the default route, to the remote VPN gateway via the appropriate interface. You also need a route to the remote protected network via the IPsec interface.


To create a static route – web-based manager:

1. Go to Network > Static Routes.

2. Select the drop-down arrow on the Create New button and select IPv6 Route.

3. Enter the information and select OK.


To create a static route – CLI:

1. In the CLI, use the router static6 command. For example, where the remote network is

fec0:0000:0000:0004::/64 and the IPsec interface is toB:

config router static6 edit 1

set device port2 set dst 0::/0

next edit 2

set device toB

set dst fec0:0000:0000:0004::/64 next


If the VPN is IPV4 over IPv6, the route to the remote protected network is an IPv4 route. If the VPN is IPv6 over

IPv4, the route to the remote VPN gateway is an IPv4 route.


Site-tosite IPv6 over IPv6 VPN example

In this example, computers on IPv6-addressed private networks communicate securely over public IPv6 infrastructure.


Example IPv6-over-IPv6 VPN topology


Configure FortiGate A interfaces

Port 2 connects to the public network and port 3 connects to the local network.

config system interface edit port2

config ipv6

set ip6-address fec0::0001:209:0fff:fe83:25f2/64 end


edit port3 config ipv6

set ip6-address fec0::0000:209:0fff:fe83:25f3/64 end

next end


Configure FortiGate A IPsec settings

The phase 1 configuration creates a virtual IPsec interface on port 2 and sets the remote gateway to the public IP address FortiGate B. This configuration is the same as for an IPv4 route-based VPN, except that ip-version is set to 6 and the remote-gw6 keyword is used to specify an IPv6 remote gateway address.

config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit toB

set ip-version 6

set interface port2

set remote-gw6 fec0:0000:0000:0003:209:0fff:fe83:25c7 set dpd enable

set psksecret maryhadalittlelamb set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1


By default, phase 2 selectors are set to accept all subnet addresses for source and destination. The default setting for src-addr-type and dst-addr-type is subnet. The IPv6 equivalent is subnet. The default subnet addresses are for IPv4, ::/0 for IPv6.


config vpn ipsec phase2-interface edit toB2

set phase1name toB

set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1 set pfs enable

set replay enable

set src-addr-type subnet6 set dst-addr-type subnet6



Configure FortiGate A security policies

Security policies are required to allow traffic between port3 and the IPsec interface toB in each direction. The address all6 must be defined using the firewall address6 command as ::/0.

config firewall policy6 edit 1

set srcintf port3 set dstintf toB set srcaddr all6 set dstaddr all6 set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always next

edit 2

set srcintf toB set dstintf port3 set srcaddr all6 set dstaddr all6 set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always end


Configure FortiGate A routing

This simple example requires just two static routes. Traffic to the protected network behind FortiGate B is routed via the virtual IPsec interface toB. A default route sends all IPv6 traffic out on port2.

config router static6 edit 1

set device port2 set dst 0::/0

next edit 2

set device toB

set dst fec0:0000:0000:0004::/64 end


Configure FortiGate B

The configuration of FortiGate B is very similar to that of FortiGate A. A virtual IPsec interface toA is configured on port2 and its remote gateway is the public IP address of FortiGate A. Security policies enable traffic to pass between the private network and the IPsec interface. Routing ensures traffic for the private network behind FortiGate A goes through the VPN and that all IPv6 packets are routed to the public network.


config system interface edit port2

config ipv6

set ip6-address fec0::0003:209:0fff:fe83:25c7/64 end


edit port3 config ipv6

set ip6-address fec0::0004:209:0fff:fe83:2569/64 end


config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit toA

set ip-version 6

set interface port2

set remote-gw6 fec0:0000:0000:0001:209:0fff:fe83:25f2 set dpd enable

set psksecret maryhadalittlelamb set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1


config vpn ipsec phase2-interface edit toA2

set phase1name toA

set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1 set pfs enable

set replay enable

set src-addr-type subnet6 set dst-addr-type subnet6


config firewall policy6 edit 1

set srcintf port3 set dstintf toA set srcaddr all6 set dstaddr all6 set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always next

edit 2

set srcintf toA set dstintf port3 set srcaddr all6 set dstaddr all6 set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always end

config router static6 edit 1

set device port2 set dst 0::/0

next edit 2

set device toA

set dst fec0:0000:0000:0000::/64



Site-tosite IPv4 over IPv6 VPN example

In this example, two private networks with IPv4 addressing communicate securely over IPv6 infrastructure.


Configure FortiGate A interfaces

Port 2 connects to the IPv6 public network and port 3 connects to the IPv4 LAN.

config system interface edit port2

config ipv6

set ip6-address fec0::0001:209:0fff:fe83:25f2/64 end


edit port3

set end


Configure FortiGate A IPsec settings

The phase 1 configuration is the same as in the IPv6 over IPv6 example.


config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit toB

set ip-version 6

set interface port2

set remote-gw6 fec0:0000:0000:0003:209:0fff:fe83:25c7 set dpd enable

set psksecret maryhadalittlelamb set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1


The phase 2 configuration is the same as you would use for an IPv4 VPN. By default, phase 2 selectors are set to accept all subnet addresses for source and destination.

config vpn ipsec phase2-interface edit toB2

set phase1name toB

set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1 set pfs enable

set replay enable end


Configure FortiGate A security policies

Security policies are required to allow traffic between port3 and the IPsec interface toB in each direction. These are IPv4 security policies.

config firewall policy edit 1

set srcintf port3 set dstintf toB set srcaddr all set dstaddr all set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always next

edit 2

set srcintf toB set dstintf port3 set srcaddr all set dstaddr all set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always end


Configure FortiGate A routing

This simple example requires just two static routes. Traffic to the protected network behind FortiGate B is routed via the virtual IPsec interface toB using an IPv4 static route. A default route sends all IPv6 traffic, including the IPv6 IPsec packets, out on port2.


config router static6 edit 1

set device port2 set dst 0::/0

next edit 2

set device toB

set dst end


Configure FortiGate B

The configuration of FortiGate B is very similar to that of FortiGate A. A virtual IPsec interface toA is configured on port2 and its remote gateway is the public IP address of FortiGate A. The IPsec phase 2 configuration has IPv4 selectors.

IPv4 security policies enable traffic to pass between the private network and the IPsec interface. An IPv4 static route ensures traffic for the private network behind FortiGate A goes through the VPN and an IPv6 static route ensures that all IPv6 packets are routed to the public network.


config system interface edit port2

config ipv6

set ip6-address fec0::0003:fe83:25c7/64 end


edit port3

set end

config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit toA

set ip-version 6

set interface port2

set remote-gw6 fec0:0000:0000:0001:209:0fff:fe83:25f2 set dpd enable

set psksecret maryhadalittlelamb set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1


config vpn ipsec phase2-interface edit toA2

set phase1name toA

set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1 set pfs enable

set replay enable end

config firewall policy edit 1

set srcintf port3 set dstintf toA set srcaddr all set dstaddr all

set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always next

edit 2

set srcintf toA set dstintf port3 set srcaddr all set dstaddr all set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always end

config router static6 edit 1

set device port2 set dst 0::/0

next edit 2

set device toA

set dst end


Site-tosite IPv6 over IPv4 VPN example

In this example, IPv6-addressed private networks communicate securely over IPv4 public infrastructure.


Configure FortiGate A interfaces

Port 2 connects to the IPv4 public network and port 3 connects to the IPv6 LAN.


config system interface edit port2

set next

edit port3 config ipv6

set ip6-address fec0::0001:209:0fff:fe83:25f3/64 end


Configure FortiGate A IPsec settings

The phase 1 configuration uses IPv4 addressing.


config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit toB

set interface port2

set remote-gw set dpd enable

set psksecret maryhadalittlelamb set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1



The phase 2 configuration uses IPv6 selectors. By default, phase 2 selectors are set to accept all subnet addresses for source and destination. The default setting for src-addr-type and dst-addr-type is subnet. The IPv6 equivalent is subnet6. The default subnet addresses are for IPv4, ::/0 for IPv6.


config vpn ipsec phase2-interface edit toB2

set phase1name toB

set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1 set pfs enable

set replay enable

set src-addr-type subnet6 set dst-addr-type subnet6



Configure FortiGate A security policies

IPv6 security policies are required to allow traffic between port3 and the IPsec interface toB in each direction. Define the address all6 using the firewall address6 command as ::/0.


config firewall policy6 edit 1

set srcintf port3 set dstintf toB set srcaddr all6 set dstaddr all6 set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always next

edit 2

set srcintf toB set dstintf port3 set srcaddr all6 set dstaddr all6 set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always end


Configure FortiGate A routing

This simple example requires just two static routes. Traffic to the protected network behind FortiGate B is routed via the virtual IPsec interface toB using an IPv6 static route. A default route sends all IPv4 traffic, including the IPv4 IPsec packets, out on port2.


config router static6 edit 1

set device toB

set dst fec0:0000:0000:0004::/64 end

config router static edit 1

set device port2 set dst

set gateway end


Configure FortiGate B

The configuration of FortiGate B is very similar to that of FortiGate A. A virtual IPsec interface toA is configured on port2 and its remote gateway is the IPv4 public IP address of FortiGate A. The IPsec phase 2 configuration has IPv6 selectors.

IPv6 security policies enable traffic to pass between the private network and the IPsec interface. An IPv6 static route ensures traffic for the private network behind FortiGate A goes through the VPN and an IPv4 static route ensures that all IPv4 packets are routed to the public network.


config system interface edit port2

set next

edit port3 config ipv6

set ip6-address fec0::0004:209:0fff:fe83:2569/64 end

config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit toA

set interface port2

set remote-gw set dpd enable

set psksecret maryhadalittlelamb set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1


config vpn ipsec phase2-interface edit toA2

set phase1name toA

set proposal 3des-md5 3des-sha1 set pfs enable

set replay enable

set src-addr-type subnet6 set dst-addr-type subnet6


config firewall policy6 edit 1

set srcintf port3 set dstintf toA set srcaddr all6 set dstaddr all6 set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always next

edit 2

set srcintf toA set dstintf port3 set srcaddr all6 set dstaddr all6 set action accept set service ANY

set schedule always end

config router static6 edit 1

set device toA

set dst fec0:0000:0000:0000::/64 end

config router static edit 1

set device port2

set gateway end



TCP MSS values

TCP MSS values, which control the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a single packet, can be set for IPv6 policies (for both the sender and the receiver). You can configure TCP MSS values in IPv6 using the following CLI commands:


config firewall policy6 edit <index_int>

set tcp-mss-sender <value>

set tcp-mss-receiver <value>




BGP and IPv6

FortiGate units support IPv6 over BGP using the same config router bgp command as IPv4, but different subcommands.

The main CLI keywords have IPv6 equivalents that are identified by the “6” on the end of the keyword, such as with config network6 or set allowas-in6.


IPv6 BGP commands include:

config router bgp

set activate6 {enable | disable}

set allowas-in6 <max_num_AS_integer>

set allowas-in-enable6 {enable | disable}

set as-override6 {enable | disable}

set attribute-unchanged6 [as-path] [med] [next-hop] set capability-default-originate6 {enable | disable} set capability-graceful-restart6 {enable | disable} set default-originate-route-map6 <routemap_str>

set distribute-list-in6 <access-list-name_str> set distribute-list-out6 <access-list-name_str> set filter-list-in6 <aspath-list-name_str>

set filter-list-out6 <aspath-list-name_str>

set maximum-prefix6 <prefix_integer>

set maximum-prefix-threshold6 <percentage_integer> set maximum-prefix-warning-only6 {enable | disable} set next-hop-self6 {enable | disable}

set prefix-list-in6 <prefix-list-name_str> set prefix-list-out6 <prefix-list-name_str> set remove-private-as6 {enable | disable} set route-map-in6 <routemap-name_str>

set route-map-out6 <routemap-name_str>

set route-reflector-client6 {enable | disable}

set route-server-client6 {enable | disable}

set send-community6 {both | disable | extended | standard}

set soft-reconfiguration6 {enable | disable}

set unsuppress-map6 <route-map-name_str>

config network6 config redistribute6




RIPng — RIP and IPv6

RIP next generation, or RIPng, is the version of RIP that supports IPv6.

This is an example of a typical small network configuration using RIPng routing.

Your internal R&D network is working on a project for a large international telecom company that uses IPv6. For this reason, you have to run IPv6 on your internal network and you have decided to use only IPv6 addresses.

Your network has two FortiGate units running the RIPng dynamic routing protocol. Both FortiGate units are connected to the ISP router and the internal network. This configuration provides some redundancy for the R&D internal network enabling it to reach the internet at all times.


This section includes the following topics:

  • Network layout and assumptions
  • Configuring the FortiGate units system information
  • Configuring RIPng on FortiGate units
  • Configuring other network devices
  • Testing the configuration
  • Debugging IPv6 on RIPng

Network layout and assumptions


Basic network layout

Your internal R&D network is working on a project for a large international telecom company that uses IPv6. For this reason, you have to run IPv6 on your internal network and you have decided to use only IPv6 addresses.

Your network has two FortiGate units running the RIPng dynamic routing protocol. Both FortiGate units are connected to the ISP router and the internal network. This configuration provides some redundancy for the R&D internal network enabling it to reach the internet at all times.

All internal computers use RIP routing, so no static routing is required. And all internal computers use IPv6 addresses.

Where possible in this example, the default values will be used or the most general settings. This is intended to provide an easier configuration that will require less troubleshooting.

In this example the routers, networks, interfaces used, and IP addresses are as follows:


Rip example network topology


Network Router Interface & Alias IPv6 address





port1 (internal)




port2 (ISP)






port1 (internal)



    port2 (ISP) 2002:AC14:7866:0:0:0:0:0


Network topology for the IPv6 RIPng example



The following assumptions have been made concerning this example:

  • All FortiGate units have 5.0+ firmware, and are running factory default settings.
  • All CLI and web-based manager navigation assumes the unit is running in NAT/Route operating mode, with VDOMs disabled.
  • All FortiGate units have interfaces labelled port1 and port2 as required.
  • All firewalls have been configured for each FortiGate unit to allow the required traffic to flow across interfaces.
  • All network devices are support IPv6 and are running RIPng.


Configuring the FortiGate units system information

Each FortiGate unit needs IPv6 enabled, a new hostname, and interfaces configured.


To configure system information on Router1 – web-based manager:

1. Go to Dashboard.

2. For Host name, select Change.

3. Enter “Router1”.

4. Go to System > Feature Select.

5. Enable IPv6 and click Apply.

6. Go to Network > Interfaces.

7. Edit port1 (internal) interface.

8. Set the following information, and select OK.

Alias                                           internal

IP/Netmask                                 2002:A0B:6565::/0

Administrative Access             HTTPS SSH PING

Description                                Internal RnD network

Administrative Status               Up

9. Edit port2 (ISP) interface.

10. Set the following information, and select OK.

Alias                                           ISP

IP/Netmask                                 2002:AC14:7865::/0

Administrative Access             HTTPS SSH PING

Description                                ISP and internet

Administrative Status               Up


To configure system information on Router1 – CLI:

config system global

set hostname Router1 set gui-ipv6 enable


config system interface edit port1

set alias internal

set allowaccess https ping ssh

set description “Internal RnD network” config ipv6

set ip6-address 2002:a0b:6565::/0 end


edit port2

set alias ISP

set allowaccess https ping ssh

set description “ISP and internet” config ipv6

set ip6-address 2002:AC14:7865::

end end


To configure system information on Router2 – web-based manager:

1. Go to Dashboard.

2. For Host name, select Change.

3. Enter “Router2”.

4. Go to System > Feature Select.

5. Enable IPv6 and click Apply.

6. Go to Network > Interfaces.

7. Edit port1 (internal) interface.

8. Set the following information, and select OK.

Alias                                           internal

IP/Netmask                                 2002:A0B:6566::/0

Administrative Access             HTTPS SSH PING

Description                                Internal RnD network

Administrative Status               Up

9. Edit port2 (ISP) interface.

10. Set the following information, and select OK.

Alias                                           ISP

IP/Netmask                                 2002:AC14:7866::/0

Administrative Access             HTTPS SSH PING

Description                                ISP and internet

Administrative Status               Up


To configure system information on Router2 – CLI:

config system global

set hostname Router2 set gui-ipv6 enable


config system interface edit port1

set alias internal

set allowaccess https ping ssh

set description “Internal RnD network” config ipv6

set ip6-address 2002:a0b:6566::/0 end


edit port2

set alias ISP

set allowaccess https ping ssh

set description “ISP and internet”

config ipv6

set ip6-address 2002:AC14:7866::

end end


Configuring RIPng on FortiGate units

Now that the interfaces are configured, you can configure RIPng on the FortiGate units.

There are only two networks and two interfaces to include — the internal network, and the ISP network. There is no redistribution, and no authentication. In RIPng there is no specific command to include a subnet in the RIP broadcasts. There is also no information required for the interfaces beyond including their name.

As this is a CLI only configuration, configure the ISP router and the other FortiGate unit as neighbors. This was not part of the previous example as this feature is not offered in the web-based manager. Declaring neighbors in the configuration like this will reduce the discovery traffic when the routers start up.

Since RIPng is not supported in the web-based manager, this section will only be entered in the CLI.


To configure RIPng on Router1 – CLI:

config router ripng config interface

edit port1 next

edit port2 end

config neighbor edit 1

set interface port1

set ipv6 2002:a0b:6566::/0 next

edit 2

set interface port2

set ipv6 2002:AC14:7805::/0 end


To configure RIPng on Router2 – CLI:

config router ripng config interface

edit port1 next

edit port2 end

config neighbor edit 1

set interface port1

set ipv6 2002:a0b:6565::/0 next

edit 2

set interface port2

set ipv6 2002:AC14:7805::/0 end


Configuring other network devices

The other devices on the internal network all support IPv6, and are running RIPng where applicable. They only need to know the internal interface network addresses of the FortiGate units.

The ISP routers need to know the FortiGate unit information such as IPv6 addresses.


Testing the configuration

In addition to normal testing of your network configuration, you must also test the IPv6 part of this example. For troubleshooting problems with your network, see the FortiOS Handbook Troubleshooting chapter.


Testing the IPv6 RIPng information

There are some commands to use when checking that your RIPng information is correct on your network. These are useful to check on your RIPng FortiGate units on your network. Comparing the output between devices will help you understand your network better, and also track down any problems.

diagnose ipv6 address list

View the local scope IPv6 addresses used as next-hops by RIPng on the FortiGate unit.


diagnose ipv6 route list

View ipv6 addresses that are installed in the routing table.


get router info6 routing-table

View the routing table. This information is almost the same as the previous command (diagnose ipv6 route list) however it is presented in an easier to read format.


get router info6 rip interface external

View brief output on the RIP information for the interface listed. The information includes if the interface is up or down, what routing protocol is being used, and whether passive interface or split horizon are enabled.

get router info6 neighbor-cache list

View the IPv6/MAC address mapping. This also displays the interface index and name associated with the address.


Debugging IPv6 on RIPng

The debug commands are very useful to see what is happening on the network at the packet level. There are a few changes to debugging the packet flow when debugging IPv6.

The following CLI commands specify both IPv6 and RIP, so only RIPng packets will be reported. The output from these commands will show you the RIPng traffic on your FortiGate unit including RECV, SEND, and UPDATE actions.

The addresses are in IPv6 format.

diagnose debug enable

diagnose ipv6 router rip level info diagnose ipv6 router rip all enable

These three commands will: Turn on debugging in general

Set the debug level to information, a verbose reporting level

Turn on all RIP router settings

Part of the information displayed from the debugging is the metric (hop count). If the metric is 16, then that destination is unreachable since the maximum hop count is 15.

In general, you should see an update announcement, followed by the routing table being sent out, and a received reply in response.


IPv6 RSSO support

RADIUS Single Sign-On (RSSO) is supported in IPv6, but can only be configured in the CLI:

config firewall policy6 edit <id>

set rsso enable

set fall-through-unathenticated enable end



IPv6 IPS signature scan can be enabled by interface policy. The user can create an normal IPS sensor and assign it to the IPv6 interface policy.


config firewall interface-policy6 edit 1

set interface “port1” set srcaddr6 “all”

set dstaddr6 “all” set service6 “ANY”

set ips-sensor-status enable set ips-sensor “all_default”

next end


Blocking IPv6 packets by extension headers

FortiOS can now block IPv6 packets based on the extension headers, using the CLI syntax:

config firewall ipv6-eh-filter.

The following commands are now available:

  • set hop-opt {disable | enable}: Block packets with Hop-by-Hop Options header.
  • set dest-opt {disable | enable}: Block packets with Destination Options header.
  • set hdopt-type <integer>: Block specific Hop-by-Hop and/or Destination Option types (maximum 7 types, each between 0 and 255).
  • set routing {disable | enable}: Block packets with Routing header.
  • set routing-type <integar>: Block specific Routing header types (maximum 7 types, each between 0 and 255).
  • set fragment {disable | enable}: Block packets with Fragment header.
  • set auth {disable | enable}: Block packets with Authentication header.
  • set no-next {disable | enable}: Block packets with No Next header.


IPv6 Denial of Service policies

Denial of Service (DoS) policies can now be configured by going to Policy & Objects > IPv6 DoS Policy. For more information, refer to the “Interface Policies” section of the FortiOS Handbook Firewall chapter.

Configure hosts in an SNMP v1/2c community to send queries or receive traps

When you add a host to an SNMP v1/2c community you can now decide whether the FortiGate unit will accept queries from the host or whether the FortiGate unit will send traps to the host. You can also configure the host for both traps and queries. You can add up to 16 IPv4 hosts and up to 16 IPv6 hosts.

Use the following command to add two hosts to an SNMP community:

config system snmp community config hosts

edit 1

set interface port1 set ip set host-type query


config hosts6 edit 1

set interface port6

set ip 2001:db8:0:2::30 set host-type trap




IPv6 PIM sparse mode multicast routing

FortiOS supports PIM sparse mode multicast routing for IPv6 multicast (multicast6) traffic and is compliant with

RFC 4601. You can use the following command to configure IPv6 PIM sparse multicast routing.

config router multicast6

set multicast-routing {enable | disable}

config interface

edit <interface-name>

set hello-interval <1-65535 seconds>

set hello-holdtime <1-65535 seconds>


config pim-sm-global config rp-address

edit <index>

set ipv6-address <ipv6-address>



The following diagnose commands for IPv6 PIM sparse mode are also available:

diagnose ipv6 multicast status diagnose ipv6 multicast vif diagnose ipv6 multicast mroute

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About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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