Managing individual cluster units

Managing individual cluster units

The following procedure describes how to use SSH to log into the primary unit CLI and from there to use the execute ha manage command to connect to the CLI of any other unit in the cluster. The procedure is very similar if you use telnet, or the web-based manager dashboard CLI console.

You can use the execute ha manage command from the CLI of any cluster unit to log into the CLI of another the cluster unit. Usually you would use this command from the CLI of the primary unit to log into the CLI of a subordinate unit. However, if you have logged into a subordinate unit CLI, you can use this command to log into the primary unit CLI, or the CLI of another subordinate unit.

Using SSH or telnet or the web-based manager dashboard CLI console you can only log into the primary unit CLI. Using a direct console connection you can log into any cluster unit. In both cases you can use execute ha manage to connect to the CLI of other cluster units.

You log into the subordinate unit using the FGT_ha_admin administrator account. This built-in administrator account gives you read and write permission on the sub- ordinate unit. Normally this built-in administrative account is not visible, however FGT_ha_admin does appear in event log messages.

1. Use SSH to connect to the cluster and log into the primary unit CLI.

Connect to any cluster interface configured for SSH administrative access to log into the cluster.

2. Enter the following command followed by a space and type a question mark (?):

execute ha manage

The CLI displays a list of all the subordinate units in the cluster. Each cluster unit is numbered, starting at 1. The information displayed for each cluster unit includes the unit serial number and the host name of the unit.

3. Complete the command with the number of the subordinate unit to log into. For example, to log into subordinate unit 1, enter the following command:

execute ha manage 1

Press Enter to connect to and log into the CLI of the selected subordinate unit. If this subordinate unit has a different host name, the CLI prompt changes to this host name.

You can use CLI commands to manage this subordinate unit. If you make changes to the configuration of any cluster unit (primary or subordinate unit) these changes are synchronized to all cluster units.

4. You can now use the execute ha manage command to connect to any other cluster unit (including the primary unit). You can also use the exit command to return to the primary unit CLI.

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