
Because everybody is using the relative same small selection of Private IP addresses it is inevitable that there will be two networks that share the same network range that will need to talk with each other. This happens most often over Virtual Private Networks or when one organization ends up merging with another. This is a case where a private IP address may be translated into a different private IP address so there are no issues with conflict of addresses or confusion in terms of routing.

An example of this would be when you have a Main office that is using an IP range of to connecting through a VPN to a recently acquired branch office that is already running with an IP range of to Both of these ranges are perfectly valid but because the Branch office range is included in the Main Office range any time the system from the Main office try to connect to an address in the Branch Office the routing the system will not send the packet to the default gateway because according to the routing table the address is in its own subnet.

The plan here would be to NAT in both directions so that traffic from neither side of the firewall would be in conflict and they would be able to route the traffic. Everything coming from the Branch Office could be assigned an address in the to range and everything from the Main office going to the Branch Office could be assigned to an address in the to range.


Static NAT

In Static NAT one internal IP address is always mapped to the same public IP address.

In FortiGate firewall configurations this is most commonly done with the use of Virtual IP addressing.

An example would be if you had a small range of IP addresses assigned to you by your ISP and you wished to use one of those IP address exclusively for a particular server such as an email server.

Say the internal address of the Email server was and the Public IP address from your assigned addresses range from to Many readers will notice that because one of the numbers is above 255 that this is not a real Public IP address. The Address that you have assigned to the interface connected to your ISP is, with being the remote gateway. You wish to use the address of exclusively for your email server.

When using a Virtual IP address you set the external IP address of to map to This means that any traffic being sent to the public address of will be directed to the internal computer at the address of

When using a Virtual IP address, this will have the added function that when ever traffic goes from to the Internet it will appear to the recipient of that traffic at the other end as coming from

You should note that if you use Virtual IP addressing with the Port Forwarding enabled you do not get this reciprocal effect and must use IP pools to make sure that the outbound traffic uses the specified IP address.


Benefits of NAT


More IP addresses Available while Conserving Public IP Addresses

As explained earlier, this was the original intent of the technology and does not need to be gone into further.


Financial Savings

Because an organization does not have to purchase IP addresses for every computer in use there is a significant cost savings due to using the process of Network Address Translation.


Security Enhancements

One of the side benefits of the process of NAT is an improvement in security. Individual computers are harder to target from the outside and if port forwarding is being used computers on the inside of a firewall are less likely to have unmonitored open ports accessible from the Internet.


Ease of Compartmentalization of Your Network

With a large available pool of IP addresses to use internally a network administrator can arrange things to be compartmentalized in a rational and easily remembered fashion and networks can be broken apart easily to isolate for reasons of network performance and security.



You have a large organization that for security reasons has certain departments that do not share network resources.

You can have the main section of the organization set up as follows;

Network Devices to

Internal Servers to

Printers            to


Personnel to

Sales People   to

Marketing        to

You could then have the following groups broken off into separate subnets:


Accounting     to

Research and

Development to

Executive Man- agement

Web sites and

Email Servers to to

These addresses do not have to be assigned right away but can be used as planned ranges.

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