FSSO for Novell eDirectory

FSSO for Novell eDirectory

FSSO in a Novell eDirectory environment works similar to the FSSO Polling mode in the Windows AD environment. The eDirectory agent polls the eDirectory servers for user logon information and forwards the information to the FortiGate unit. There is no need for the Collector agent.

When a user logs on at a workstation, FSSO:

  • detects the logon event by polling the eDirectory server and records the IP address and user ID,
  • looks up in the eDirectory which groups this user belongs to,
  • sends the IP address and user groups information to the FortiGate unit.

When the user tries to access network resources, the FortiGate unit selects the appropriate security policy for the destination. If the user belongs to one of the permitted user groups, the connection is allowed.

FSSO is supported on the Novell E-Directory 8.8 operating system.

For a Novell network, there is only one FSSO component to install — the eDirectory agent. In some cases, you also need to install the Novell Client.

FSSO security issues

When the different components of FSSO are communicating there are some inherent security features. FSSO installation requires an account with network admin privileges. The security inherent in these types of accounts helps ensure access to FSSO configurations is not tampered with.

User passwords are never sent between FSSO components. The information that is sent is information to identify a user including the username, group or groups, and IP address.

NTLM uses base-64 encoded packets, and uses a unique randomly generated challenge nonce to avoid sending user information and password between the client and the server.

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