FSSO for Citrix

FSSO for Citrix

Citrix users can enjoy a similar Single Sign-On experience as Windows AD users. The FSSO TS agent installed on each Citrix server provides user logon information to the FSSO Collector agent on the network. The FortiGate unit uses this information to authenticate the user in security policies.



Citrix Servers with single IP or IP-Pool (No static client relation)

User starts native Client Application on Citrix Server. As example SAP Client, RDP, SSH etc.

FortiGate authenticates  the user seamless against Active Directory User Group

FortiGate allows Client connection if user group is allowed by the related Identity Based

Security Policy



Citrix users do not have unique IP addresses. When a Citrix user logs on, the TS agent assigns that user a range of ports. By default each user has a range of 200 ports.

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