Firewall concepts

Firewall concepts

There are a number of foundational concepts that are necessary to have a grasp of before delving into the details of how the FortiGate firewall works. Some of these concepts are consistent throughout the firewall industry and some of them are specific to more advanced firewalls such as the FortiGate. Having a solid grasp of these ideas and terms can give you a better idea of what your FortiGate firewall is capable of and how it will be able to fit within your networks architecture.


This chapter describes the following firewall concepts:

  • What is a Firewall?
  • FortiGate Modes
  • How Packets are handled by FortiOS
  • Interfaces and Zones
  • IPv6
  • NAT
  • Quality of Service


What is a Firewall?

The term firewall originally referred to a wall intended to confine a fire or potential fire within a building. Later uses refer to similar structures, such as the metal sheet separating the engine compartment of a vehicle or aircraft from the passenger compartment.

A firewall can either be software-based or hardware-based and is used to help keep a network secure. Its primary objective is to control the incoming and outgoing network traffic by analyzing the data packets and determining whether it should be allowed through or not, based on a predetermined rule set. A network’s firewall builds a bridge between an internal network that is assumed to be secure and trusted, and another network, usually an external (inter)network, such as the Internet, that is not assumed to be secure and trusted.


Network Layer or Packet Filter Firewalls

Stateless Firewalls

Stateless firewalls are the oldest form of these firewalls. They are faster and simple in design requiring less memory because they process each packet individually and don’t require the resources necessary to hold onto packets like stateful firewalls. Stateful firewalls inspect each packet individually and check to see if it matches a predetermined set of rules. According to the matching rule the packet is either be allowed, dropped or rejected. In the case of a rejection an error message is sent to the source of the traffic. Each packet is inspected in isolation and information is only gathered from the packet itself. Simply put, if the packets were not specifically allowed according to the list of rules held by the firewall they were not getting through.


Stateful Firewalls

Stateful firewalls retain packets in memory so that they can maintain context about active sessions and make judgments about the state of an incoming packet’s connection. This enables Stateful firewalls to determine if a packet is the start of a new connection, a part of an existing connection, or not part of any connection. If a packet is part of an existing connection based on comparison with the firewall’s state table, it will be allowed to pass without further processing. If a packet does not match an existing connection, it will be evaluated according to the rules set for new connections. Predetermined rules are used in the same way as a stateless firewall but they can now work with the additional criteria of the state of the connection to the firewall.

Best Practices Tip for improving performance:

Blocking the packets in a denied session can take more cpu processing resources than passing the traffic through. By putting denied sessions in the session table, they can be kept track of in the same way that allowed session are so that the FortiGate unit does not have to redetermine whether or not to deny all of the packets of a session individually. If the session is denied all packets of that session are also denied.


In order to configure this you will need to use 2 CLI commands


config system setting

set ses-denied-traffic enable

set block-session-timer <integer 1 – 300> (this determines in seconds how long, in seconds, the session is kept in the table)



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