Configuring Mail Settings

Configuring mail settings

The Mail Settings menu lets you configure the basic email settings of the FortiMail unit (such as the port number of the FortiMail SMTP relay/proxy/server), plus how to handle connections and how to manage the mail queues.

This section includes:

  • Configuring the built-in MTA and mail server
  • Configuring protected domains
  • Managing the address book (server mode only)
  • Sharing calendars and address books (server mode only)
  • Migrating email from other mail servers (server mode only)
  • Configuring proxies (transparent mode only)

Configuring the built-in MTA and mail server

Go to Mail Settings > Settings to configure assorted settings that apply to the SMTP server and webmail server that are built into the FortiMail unit.

This section includes:

  • Configuring mail server settings
  • Configuring global disclaimers
  • Configuring disclaimer exclusion list
  • Selecting the mail data storage location

Configuring mail server settings

Use the mail server settings to configure SMTP server/relay settings of the System domain, which is located on the local host (that is, your FortiMail unit).

To access this part of the web UI, your administrator account’s:

  • Domain must be System
  • access profile must have Read or Read-Write permission to the Others category

For details, see “About administrator account permissions and domains” on page 290.

To configure local SMTP server settings

  1. Go to Mail Settings > Settings > Mail Server Settings.

A multisection page appears.

Page 366

Figure 153:Mail Server Settings tab

  1. Configure the following sections as needed:
  • “Configuring local host settings” on page 368
  • “Configuring SMTP relay hosts” on page 373
  • “Configuring deferred message delivery” on page 371
  • “Configuring DSN options” on page 369
  • “Configuring mail queue setting” on page 370
  • “Configuring domain check options” on page 372

Configuring local host settings

Provide the name and SMTP information for the mail server.

GUI item Description
Host name Enter the host name of the FortiMail unit.

Displays the FortiMail unit’s fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is in the format:


such as, where fortimail-400 is the Host name and is the Local domain name.

Note: The FQDN of the FortiMail unit should be different from that of protected SMTP servers. If the FortiMail unit uses the same FQDN as your mail server, it may become difficult to distinguish the two devices during troubleshooting.

Note: You should use a different host name for each FortiMail unit, especially when you are managing multiple FortiMail units of the same model, or when configuring a high availability (HA) cluster. This will let you to distinguish between different members of the cluster. If the FortiMail unit is in HA mode, the FortiMail unit will add the host name to the subject line of alert email messages. For details, see “Configuring alert email” on page 682.

Local domain name Enter the local domain name to which the FortiMail unit belongs.

The local domain name is used in many features such as email quarantine, Bayesian database training, quarantine report, and delivery status notification (DSN) email messages.

Displays the FortiMail unit’s fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is in the format:


such as, where fortimail-400 is the Host name and is the Local domain name.

Note: The IP address should be globally resolvable into the FQDN of the FortiMail unit if it will relay outgoing email. If it is not globally resolvable, reverse DNS lookups of the FortiMail unit’s domain name by external SMTP servers will fail. For quarantine reports, if the FortiMail unit is operating in server mode or gateway mode, DNS records for the local domain name may need to be globally resolvable to the IP address of the FortiMail unit. If it is not globally resolvable, web and email release/delete for the per-recipient quarantines may fail. For more information on configuring required DNS records, see “Setting up the system” on page 25.

Note: The Local domain name is not required to be different from or identical to any protected domain. It can be a subdomain or different, external domain.

For example, a FortiMail unit whose FQDN is could be configured with the protected domains and

SMTP server port number Enter the port number on which the FortiMail unit’s SMTP server will listen for SMTP connections. The default port number is 25.
GUI item Description
SMTP over SSL/TLS Enable to allow SSL- and TLS-secured connections from SMTP clients that request SSL/TLS.

When disabled, SMTP connections with the FortiMail unit’s built-in MTA must occur as clear text, unencrypted.

Note: This option must be enabled to receive SMTPS connections. However, it does not require them. To enforce client use of SMTPS, see “Configuring access control rules” on page 456.

SMTPS server port number Enter the port number on which the FortiMail unit’s built-in MTA listens for secure SMTP connections. The default port number is 465.

This option is unavailable if SMTP over SSL/TLS is disabled.



Enable let your email clients use SMTP for message submission on a separate TCP port number from deliveries or mail relay by MTAs.

For details on message submission by email clients as distinct from SMTP used by MTAs, see RFC 2476.

SMTP MSA port number Enter the TCP port number on which the FortiMail unit listens for email clients to submit email for delivery. The default port number is 587.
POP3 server port number Enter the port number on which the FortiMail unit’s POP3 server will listen for POP3 connections. The default port number is 110.

This option is available only if the FortiMail unit is operating in server mode.

Default domain for


If you set one domain as the default domain, users on the default domain only need to enter their user names without the domain part for webmail/SMTP/IMAP/POP3 authentication, such as user1. Users on the non-default domains must enter both the user name part and domain part to authentication, such as

Webmail access Enable to redirect HTTP webmail access to HTTPS.

Configuring DSN options

Use this section to configure mail server delivery status notifications.

For information on failed deliveries, see “Managing the deferred mail queue” on page 179 and “Managing undeliverable mail” on page 181.

For more information on DSN, see “Managing the deferred mail queue” on page 179.

GUI item Description
DSN (NDR) email generation Enable to allow the FortiMail unit to send DSN messages to notify email users of delivery delays and/or failure.
GUI item Description
Sender displayname Displays the name of the sender, such as FortiMail administrator, as it should appear in DSN email.

If this field is empty, the FortiMail unit uses the default name of postmaster.

Sender address Displays the sender email address in DSN.

If this field is empty, the FortiMail unit uses the default sender email address of postmaster@<domain_str>, where <domain_str> is the domain name of the FortiMail unit, such as

6 thoughts on “Configuring Mail Settings

  1. Viorel

    Do you think I could use fortimail in server mode integrated with office 365?
    Can i use this setup to be able to create email accounts in office 365 and some emails in fortimail?
    In my case I have like 140 permanent users and 30-40 users let say “temporar users”(3-4 months/year). For them I want to create emails accounts in fortimail.
    Ex: is an office365 account, and to be an fortimail account.
    When an email is received I want to be able to be redirected where it belongs. If an email created in office 365 to be redirected there, if was created in fortimail should be redirected to fortimail.

    Is possible this setup?
    Thank you

    1. Mike Post author

      I have only ever deployed a FortiMail for Office 365 utilizing Gateway mode. I’m not sure, off hand, how one would make it work in server mode.

  2. Danny

    I have several associated domains in Fortimail, mainly for ease of administration. We currently have DKIM and SPF set up for O365 outbound mail but I’d like to start using Fortimail for outbound filtering. Will Fortimail just transparently relay the mail leaving the DKIM signature and SPF IP address unaltered and valid? Or will it strip them requiring me to use Fortimail for DKIM and its IP address in our SPF record? DKIM is so easy to set up in O365 so I would hate to have to redo it and split all our associated domains into dedicated domains.

  3. Murat

    Hi we Have created a user in migrated user and start to migrate mailbox from exchange after couple of minutes give connection error. We sniff on cli and get an error code 500.5.3.3 can you find whats problem thanks

  4. Conver Zafra

    I have configured the LDAP in my Outlook 2010. Is there a way to automatically sync the LDAP contacts to my local Outlook contact list, so i can search contacts even when i am offline?


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