Tag Archives: fortinet community

Join Our Forums!

Don’t forget to join our forums (the link is at the top of the site) and join in on the Fortinet discussion. We are trying to build a strong community of knowledge Fortinet hardware users that are able to discuss the different implementations they are utilizing and the issues they are coming across. The key to a better product is a strong community with great communication!

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

Fortinet GURU Forums Launched

I have officially launched the Fortinet GURU Forums. There is no cool custom template yet. Just placed our logo on the basic forum design. I will be tweaking it as I have time to play with it and figure out what I like. In the meantime, this is an awesome way for the Fortinet community to enjoy great conversation and discuss tips, tricks, guides, and issues that one another are experiencing!

Hope to see you guys there!

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

Fortinet GURU Community

I am seriously considering opening up a forum for visitors to surf and ask questions on. I know, I know, Fortinet already has a support forum. Yeah, well I want one that is better. There, I said it. Anyways, comment below and let me know what your thoughts are on this. I think it would, at the very least, be fun. A community of assholes that love working on Fortinet gear and getting the most out of their equipment. What could go wrong?

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!