Category Archives: FortiAnalyzer

Firmware Image Checksums

Firmware image checksums

The MD5 checksums for all Fortinet software and firmware releases are available at the Customer Service & Support portal, To verify the integrity of the download, select the Checksum link next to the HTTPS download link. A dialog box will be displayed with the image file name and checksum code. Compare this checksum with the checksum of the firmware image.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

Downgrading to Previous Versions of Firmware

Downgrading to previous versions of firmware

FortiAnalyzer does not provide a full downgrade path. You can downgrade to a previous firmware release via the GUI or CLI, but doing so results in configuration loss. A system reset is required after the firmware downgrading process has completed. To reset the system, use the following CLI commands via a console port connection:

execute reset all-settings
execute format {disk | disk-ext4}

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

Extended UTM Log For Application Control – FortiAnalyzer 5.4

Extended UTM log for Application Control

For FortiOS 5.0 devices, the application control log is not visible until you enable the extended UTM log in the FortiOS CLI. To enable extended UTM log, use the following CLI command:

config application list
edit [name here]
set extended-utm-log enable

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

SQL database rebuild – FortiAnalyzer 5.4

SQL database rebuild

FortiAnalyzer can receive new logs during SQL database rebuild. FortiView, Log View, Event Management, and Reports are also available.However, all scheduled reports are skipped. It is recommended to generate reports only after finishing the database rebuilding process.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

SSLv3 on Fortianalyzer 5.4 VM64 Amazon Web Services

SSLv3 on FortiAnalyzer-VM64-AWS

Due to known vulnerabilities in the SSLv3 protocol, FortiAnalyzer-VM64-AWS only enables TLSv1 by default. All other models enable both TLSv1 and SSLv3. If you wish to disable SSLv3 support, please run: config system global set ssl-protocol t1sv1 end

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

Log Aggregation or Forwarding – FortiAnalyzer 5.4

Log Aggregation or Forwarding

FortiAnalyzer 5.4 cannot aggregate or forward logs to FortiAnalyzer 5.2 units. Please use the same FortiAnalyzer 5.4 version across all units.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

Authentication Settings for Log Aggregation – FortiAnalyzer 5.4

Authentication Settings for Log Aggregation

FortiAnalyzer version 5.4.0 requires an administrator to be defined on the log aggregation server. For authentication to the log aggregation server, the administrator and its password must be set on all log aggregation forwarders.

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!

SQL Storage Settings For Collect Mode – FortiAnalyzer 5.4.0

SQL Storage Settings for Collector Mode

During upgrade to FortiAnalyzer 5.4.0, the SQL database in units running in Collector mode are disabled to optimize performance. You can re-enable the SQL storage settings to view logs and analytics with the following CLI command:

config system sql
set status local

Having trouble configuring your Fortinet hardware or have some questions you need answered? Check Out The Fortinet Guru Youtube Channel! Want someone else to deal with it for you? Get some consulting from Fortinet GURU!